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Week 01 : Orientation
Week 02: Zoraini Wati Abas
Week 03: Martin Weller
Week 04: Allison Littlejohn
Week 05: David Wiley
Week 06: Tony Bates
Week 07: Rory McGreal
Week 08: Nancy White
Week 09: Dave Cormier
Week 10: Eric Duval
Week 11: Jon Dron
Week 12: Clark Aldrich
Week 13: Clark Quinn
Week 14: Jan Herrington
Week 15: Break
Week 16: Break
Week 17: Howard Rheingold
Week 18: Valerie Irvine and Jillianne Code
Week 19: Dave Snowden
Week 20: Richard DeMillo, Ashwim Ram, Preetha Ram, and Hua Ali
Week 21: Break
Week 22: Pierre Levy
Week 23: Tom Reeves
Week 24: Geetha Narayanan
Week 25: Stephen Downes
Week 27: Antonio Vantaggiato
Week 28: Tony Hirst
Week 29: Alec Couros
Week 30: Marti Cleveland-Innes
Week 31: Diana Laurillard
Week 32: George Siemens
Week 33: George Veletsianos
Week 34: Bonnie Stewart
Week 35: Terry Anderson
Week 15: Howard Rheingold
Net Smart: Introduction to fundamental social media literacies
Live Events
Session Recordings
From this week (week15):
January 4, Harold Rheingold, informal discussion
- Elluminate Recording
January 3, Harold Rheingold, presentation
- Elluminate Recording
- Audio Recording
All session Recordings
Week 15: Howard Rheingold
Welcome back to the #change open online course!
Howard Rheingold is our guest this week, week15. He will be addressing the topic of "Net Smart: Introduction to fundamental social media literacies":
We have a live session with Howard planned for 2 pm Eastern time (Toronto) January 3. Time zone conversions are here. The session will be held in Collaborate.
Links from Harold Rheingold Session
Article by Kate Robbins January 3, 2012
Links from the Tuesday session of week15 - Howard Rheingold.
Net Smart: Introduction to fundamental social media literacies
Article by Howard Rheingold January 3, 2012
One important step that people can take is to become more adept at five essential literacies for a world of mobile, social, and always-on media: attention, crap detection, participation, collaboration, and network know-how. The effects of these literacies can both empower the individuals who master them and improve the quality of the digital culture commons. Read full post