Week 27: Antonio Vantaggiato

Myths of Teaching and Learning and Technology


March 28, Antonio Vantaggiato Recordings
- Elluminate Recording
- MP3 Audio

Week 27 Online Event
The week27 online event takes place TODAY with Antonio Vantaggiato.

Wednesday March 28 at 12 noon Eastern (Check your time zone)

The session will be held here in Blackboard Collaborate.

Week 27 - Antonio Vantaggiato
Like everybody else in this course, sometimes we need to stop, take stock, and restart. Thus it is with your three instructors this week. You've no doubt noticedt he erratic delivery of course content recently. Many factors are to blame, not the least of which was our recent visit to India. More on that through the week.

In the mean time, welcome to (what we will call) week27. In place of the originally scheduled Rosa Ojeda we are presenting Antonio Vantaggiato. Below, you will see content suubmitted by Antonio. In addition, we have scheduled an online event for Wednesday, March 28 at 12 noon Eastern time.


Myths of Teaching and Learning and Technology
Antonio Vantaggiato, Website, March 26, 2012. Here is the info you need. week27

I have been setting up a website, humbly named http://zenofteaching.us, which I am preparing with the structure and content of a book on the Myths of Teaching and Learning and Technology. The site is done with digress.it, which allows for discussion on each paragraph of the text, and this is what I hope would emerge as a product of participant's work.

It is by no means an academic, or well-structured research work, but more of a popular discussion. I am using almost no journal or conference papers, but instead, articles from popular media. Plus, the interviews I am conducting (hope to count on you guys in the next future!) add to the ideas elaborated and to the site itself.

I plan to publish in the next weeks the latest interviews (I got Shirky already up, and this week I'll have another interview done with Mikhail Gershovich, Luke Waltzer, Tom Harbison etc. at Baruch College, etc.), and I finished to prepare a presentation, which you can find at http://slidesha.re/zenofteachingus, and which will be incorporated into the website soon.

The Introduction to this work is here: http://zenofteaching.us/2012/01/08/introduction/

You can find the index of topics at http://zenofteaching.us/2012/03/07/the-index/, and the reading list at http://zenofteaching.us/2012/03/07/minimalist-references/

Hasta la vista!