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October 12, 2011

Coming Events

Wednesday with David Wiley
Click Here to Attend Event
Start: 2011-10-12 16:00 EDT (Check Time Zones)
Finish: 2011-10-12 17:00 EDT
Meeting will be held in Elluminate; coordinates will be posted on the Meetings page. Note the later time 4:00 p.m. Eastern (see time zones). Direct link to the meeting:

Blog Posts

This is a list of the blog posts mentioning the change11 keyword or tag harvested from the list of blogs submitted by participants.
[Browse all Blog Posts]

Twitter Updates for 2011-10-12
t.stafford, Desperately Seeking Fusion™
RT #elearning Digital literacy for all @Virtualismg @tmstaffordllc # RT Four Ways to Speed Up the #Instructional #Design #Process @Virtualismg @tmstaffordllc # RT #Instructional #Design for Beginners – What Motivates People To Learn? @Virtualismg @tmstaffordllc # RT Rapid Instructional Design for Accelerated Learning #InstructionalDesign #eLearning @Virtualismg @tmstaffordllc # Powered by Twitter [...] [Link] Wed, 12 Oct 2011 06:00:00 +0000 [Comment]

#change11 .David Wiley's Keynote on Open Education
Luis Rafael Amario, Learning & SharingChange
[Link] Wed, 12 Oct 2011 03:58:00 +0000 [Comment]

Screen grab from a David Wiley video from his intro for the...
Claudia LAmoreaux, MOOCing About
Screen grab from a David Wiley video from his intro for the week. I appreciate the questions/activities he posed to #change11 participants: I would like to invite students to reflect on the practical impact on people they would like to their educational technology / educational research work to have. What kind of change do they want to see in the world? What will they have to do, personally, to create that change? Do they need to start a university, a high school, or an after school program? .... [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 22:45:00 -0400 [Comment]

#Change11 Getting to know you – your identity
suifaijohnmak, Learner Weblog
Do I know you?  And do you know me? I read this interesting post from Connecting the Dots that also relates to AK’s post on Do we need to know one another when sharing and Jaap’s post. The author in the Connecting the … Continue reading → [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 23:57:05 +0000 [Comment]

#Change11 Technology, Changes, Wicked problems and Identity
suifaijohnmak, Learner Weblog
What is the impact of technology on education policy? Here Rich says in his post: Who's missing? People who should be getting comfortable with the disruptive forces in higher education. There are almost no university administrators or technology managers.   EDUCAUSE is nowhere to … Continue reading → [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 22:21:22 +0000 [Comment]

#change11 - Takeaways from Collective Learning Week
meg.goodine, Kwantlen Change MOOC
change11 Takeaways from Collective Learning Week I really appreciated Alison Littlejohn's excellent overview of collective learning and of the literacies students will need to bridge the gap between knowledge practices in higher education and those in the workplace. (See the slide show here: as well as this report on "literacies of the digital")Kwantlen Change MOOC read [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 22:02:46 +0000 [Comment]

Συλλογική Μάθηση...
AK, Multilitteratus Incognitus
Εδώ και κάτι εβδομάδες έχει αρχήσει ένα Μαζικό Ανοιχτό και Διαδικτυακό Μάθημα (ΜΑΔιΜα; ή μήπως ΜαΔΑΜα;) κοινώς γνωστό στα Αγγλικά ως MOOC (Massive Online Open Course). Στα προηγούμενα MOOC (ας χρησιμοποιήσουμε λατινικού χαρακτήρες γιατί το ΜΑΔιΜΑ δεν μου ακούγεται και ωραίο) έγραφα μόνο στα .... [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 21:35:00 +0000 [Comment]

Impact #change11
jaapsoft2, connectiv
One change I want to help bring forward is teachers learning to use digital materials and software in a critical and self-confident way. I would like teachers to be independent thinking people, taking respnsibility for their education. What kinds of resources or cooperation would be required, and from whom would these come? I would challenge [...] [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 20:27:03 +0000 [Comment]

Dialetica with words
T, lúcidaTranslúcida
In media age, Abelardo talked about the words!  WORDSNow , Abelard to Apple: The Fate of American Colleges and Universities" The vast majority of American college students attend two thousand or so private and public institutions that might be described as the Middle--reputable educational institutions, but not considered equal to the elite and entrenched upper echelon of the Ivy League and other prestigious schools. Richard DeMillo has a warning for these colleges .... [Link] 2011-10-11T08:41:00.000-07:00 [Comment]

The 5 Cs: Consume, connect, create, contribute and commit!
brainysmurf1234, Connecting the dots
            My fellow moocer AK shared an intriguing struggle in Do we need to know one another when sharing?  My response took shape as I reflected on my #collective5 task in #change11 I'm not sure that I need to know someone in order to connect, create or contribute beyond what [...] [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 13:36:50 +0000 [Comment]

In Learning | Jim picks up on Gordon's (don't call him Gordo) ...
Group members, Best content in change11 | Diigo - Groups
Comments:A video about MOOC´s - very nice - Lone Guldbrandt TønnesenTags: #change11, learningby: Lone Guldbrandt Tø [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 09:49:46 -0000 [Comment]

Opening statements on Open Content #change11
bioram, Change MOOC Reflections
The work of David Wiley as an innovator and advocate are impressive, especially his current work on open textbooks.  The expense of textbooks is a topic that is dear to my heart, for as a science educator, I see the burden placed on students.  I guess it is one of the reasons I provide all of the lab materials to the students free of charge.  Of course, this makes me consider about opening up this material as open content.I have yet to get through all of the sources .... [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 12:29:00 +0000 [Comment]

David Wiley #change11 mooc week 5 – post 2
markuos, Squire Morley
This week’s topic has inspired and energized me into revisiting notions I’ve had for a few years. Unfortunately, I’ve found that whenever I try to take them forward there is such inertia from within the institution that they never get … Continue reading → [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 10:31:02 +0000 [Comment]

What's PLE? « Jenn's Studious Life
Group members, Best content in change11 | Diigo - Groups
Tags: PLE, educationby: Константин Бугайчук [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 07:18:11 -0000 [Comment]

Twitter Updates for 2011-10-11
t.stafford, Desperately Seeking Fusion™
RT @hpteachexchange: Share this site. Brainstorm with sticky notes #edtech #edchat @Virtualismg @tmstaffordllc # RT The future of education will be open and distributed: #delearn #bced #edchat #mlearning @Virtualismg @tmstaffordllc # RT @getting_smart: Florida Virtual School Names Education Leadership Award Winners @Virtualismg @tmstaffordllc # RT What Steve Jobs did for Mobile Learning [...] [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 06:00:00 +0000 [Comment]

Collective learning for #change11
coachcarole, Baranduda Blog
As researchers, we need to fully understand collective learning processes, the factors that affect these, and the emergent nature of collective learning. As practitioners, we have to face the challenges around whether collective learning can be planned, structured, and managed. As learners, we have to understand the inter-relationships between individual and the collective. My recent [...] [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 06:30:39 +0000 [Comment]

Jeffrey's Twitter Updates for 2011-10-11
Jeffrey Keefer, Silence and Voice
@DrGarcia @savasavasava Just let me know the when and where! You planning to visit #NYC #phdchat in reply to DrGarcia # Avebury was one of the highlights of my entire recent UK trip #phdchat # Networked learning Hot Seat session has some interesting compare/ contrasts with connectivism today #nlc2012 #change11 # @TheBluOtter OPENBLOCK... [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 06:25:00 +0000 [Comment]

Understanding Reflection as Hunting Assumptions
rainbowhill, In Learning
I've been asked to reflect on my trajectory through higher education and to be honest, I've been having trouble with the overabundance of definitions for reflection. Words tend to use their power when they are overused, and I had come to believe that the word was used in the sense of a passive contemplation. I wasn't happy that reflection, in that sense, had any power to describe what I do in practice. Until yesterday. While attempting to track down the recommended text for my .... [Link] Tue, 11 Oct 2011 17:03:00 +1000 [Comment]

If your blog post isn't here, don't panic. Participant feeds have not yet been checked and added to the list. Give us a few days. :)


These are individual comments posted today to the discussion threads (for new discussion threads, see the list above).

Deirdre Black, Re: David Wiley, @ Ian Hall... as it stands right now, the ....