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CCK11 Daily Newsletter

April 5, 2011

Facilitator Posts

To view the entire blog post, click on the title of the post, and you'll be taken to the blog post itself.

Networking Distributed Public Expertise: Strategies for Citizen Sourcing Advice to Government
William H. Dutton, SSRN, April 5, 2011.

This is a really good paper not just on learning but on governance in general. Don't skip this one. Bill Dutton gets this right. "The very notion of crowds and crowd sourcing is misleading.ii In order to capture distributed intelligence, networks of individuals must be cultivated and managed. As argued in this paper, they are not crowds. Networking platforms and management strategies must be carefully developed to capture the value of distributed expertise."

He makes a subtle point, which is masked a bit by the terminology. "Citizens are more than constituents, whose opinions are equally legitimate. Citizens also have the potential to be experts on particular issues... Citizens are not necessarily experts, but any given citizen might conceivably have expertise in some specific areas." If you just count people's opinions, you are ignoring the person's connection to the issue. You need to allow people with the interest, skills and expertise to contribute to a solution to connect with each other and to develop the solution themselves.

This kind of organization develops through three stages:
- Sharing - The ability to create linked documents, data, and objects within a distributed network
- Contributing - The ability to employ social networking applications of the Web to facilitate group communication
- Co-creating - The ability for individuals to collaborate through networks that facilitate cooperative group work toward shared goals

Via Seb Schmoller, who summarizes Hutton's nine strategies for for fostering bottom up initiatives to harness distributed public expertise. [Comment]

Participants' Blog Posts

This is a list of the blog posts mentioning the CCK11 keyword or tag harvested from the list of blogs submitted by participants.
[Browse all Blog Posts]

Definitions sharpen the mind #mobiMOOC #cck11
jaapsoft2, connectiv
“… The acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience or being taught while being free to move between different locations … ”  writes Jennifer Parker in her blog. She filtered out the devices and technology from the definition of O’Malley et al, 2003 (see Jennifers blog) . As a connectivist (CCK11) I do not like [...] [Link] Tue, 05 Apr 2011 13:35:50 +0000 [Comment]

Social Media Ideas for Professors
, Sparks & Flashes
Today I had a quick half-hour to talk to some of the professors in the Faculty of Extension at the University of Alberta about how they could leverage social media as a professor - both in the classroom and as a public subject matter expert. Of course, there are so many social media tools out there now so I limited myself to just a handful. Here is the presentation, which also gives an overview of the university social media accounts we are currently using at the University of Alberta. How .... [Link] 2011-04-04T22:23:00.000-06:00 [Comment]

, lúcidaTranslúcida #CCK11
imagemEm um curto período de 07 dias efetuei a leitura de opiniões de dois autores sobre a necessidade de adoção de novas perspectivas  para as Universidades,  lançando cada uma das opiniões  a noção da cultura como  idéia re-unificadora.Desta forma se enumerarmos, em um pequeno quadro,  tópicos sobre as idéias de Lipovetsky e Serroy, em contraste com o artigo de  Peters, quanto às .... [Link] 2011-04-04T17:34:00.000-07:00 [Comment]

Prognosticating is fun!
, Multilitteratus Incognitus
This is it, last week of CCK11.I went through the materials, well...I mostly skimmed through them to be honest, but I really did have a blast going through them, especially Stephen's 1998 prognostications of technology and education in the future. In 1998 I graduated high school and started my undergraduate studies at the University. It's interesting that ideas, such as the PAD (or PADD if you are a star trek fan)are spot-on! Still not quite there with a few things, but we're .... [Link] 2011-04-04T17:36:00.021-04:00 [Comment]

A Small World
verozentella@gmail.com (Verónica Vázquez Zentella), Con sabor educativo
In 2002, I was the Spanish teacher to the CEO of a transnational pharmaceutical company in Mexico City. At that time, one of my friends lost her job, and since my "student" was looking for an assistant, I asked him if he could consider my friend for the position. He, in a gesture that I appreciated, interviewed her that same afternoon. The next morning, I asked him what his impression was. "Hmm", he answered tightening his lips as he shook his head in disapproval, "She lives in a small world". .... [Link] Mon, 04 Apr 2011 16:00:00 +0000 [Comment]

New Discussion Threads

Consider commenting on participant's blog post to create a new discussion here. To view the entire discussion thread, click on the title of the post, and you'll be taken to the blog post itself. Or view the list of all discussion threads.


These are individual comments posted today to the discussion threads (for new discussion threads, see the list above).

HowardJ, Re: Learning Theories in CCK11, Thanks for the Wagner & Berger reference George; ....

Twitter Posts

If you use the CCK11 tag on Twitter, your Twitter posts will be collected and listed here (note that harvesting only started Friday morning).

@ tweeted: New structures & spaces of learning: Systemic impact of connec. knowledge, #connectivism & networked learning http://bit.ly/i61Xt1 #CCK11 2011-04-05T15:33:40Z

@ tweeted: #cck11 http://bit.ly/huSsMd 2011-04-05T14:46:11Z

@ tweeted: #CCK11 はもう使われていたw 2011-04-05T14:07:02Z

@ tweeted: #Edistorm is #brainstorming without the bored room #edtech20 #elearning #cck11 #edchat #eltchat #elt #efllea | @... http://bit.ly/e4DQuh 2011-04-05T13:31:53Z

@ tweeted: Situating Connectivism - ETEC 510 - http://icio.us/vXZcT7 2011-04-05T13:18:32Z

@ tweeted: Just published: Special IRRODL issue on Connectivism: http://www.irrodl.org/index.php/irrodl/issue/view/44 2011-04-05T12:56:20Z

@ tweeted: #Edistorm is #brainstorming without the bored room #edtech20 #elearning #cck11 #edchat #eltchat #elt #efllea | @scoopit http://bit.ly/g213wc 2011-04-05T10:40:04Z

@ tweeted: RT @web20education: #Toriseye - #Twitter birds fly with your tweets #edtech20 #edtools | @scoopit http://t.co/51O4KDb #socialmedia #cck11 #edchat #ukedchat #elt 2011-04-05T09:40:23Z

@ tweeted: #Toriseye - #Twitter birds fly with your tweets #edtech20 #edtools | @scoopit http://t.co/51O4KDb #socialmedia #cck11 #edchat #ukedchat #elt 2011-04-05T09:39:10Z

@ tweeted: キューブキャンプ金沢2011の開催種目について会議中( ´ ー ` ) #CCK11 2011-04-05T09:26:49Z

@ tweeted: #cck11 Mooc is out! http://bit.ly/gw7adE ▸ Top stories today via @gordon_l @jgchesney @dbswe 2011-04-05T09:04:34Z

@ tweeted: Create Useful Charts on the Visual Support Engine http://t.co/DoamfOl vía @AddThis @rmbyrne #connectivism #elearning #web20 #edtech 2011-04-05T08:06:50Z

@ tweeted: #Cacoo -Create diagrams online Real time collaboration #edtech20 #edtools | @scoopit http://t.co/KMAViZH #edchat #cck11 #elearning #elt #efl 2011-04-05T09:54:25Z

@ tweeted: checking out #connectivism as I think about my research 2011-04-05T02:35:53Z

@ tweeted: RT @jennyluca: Stephen Downes/connectivism theory. I'm very interested in connectivism theory. My boss in Sydney described it as hogwash. 2011-04-05T02:31:38Z

@ tweeted: #ccaeducause people who believe in connectivism bring a different set of assumptions to discussion on elearning 2011-04-05T02:26:43Z

@ tweeted: Referencing Stephen Downes and connectivism theory. #ccaeducause 2011-04-05T02:25:06Z

@ tweeted: RT @JGChesney: Slides from a half-hour teaching talk I gave today: Social Media Ideas for Professors http://t.co/QodvG8Q #cck11 #ualberta #cdnpse 2011-04-05T04:32:55Z

@ tweeted: @yvetteinmb Not sure I like the 'e-moderator' term, perhaps e-facilitator or even e-empowerer sounds better :) #CCK11 2011-04-05T04:31:10Z

@ tweeted: Slides from a half-hour teaching talk I gave today: Social Media Ideas for Professors http://t.co/QodvG8Q #cck11 #ualberta #cdnpse 2011-04-05T04:28:45Z

@ tweeted: http://bit.ly/g9dJH4 and http://bit.ly/gulD2h on thinking & feeling – What are the assumptions in learning:adult/kids? http://bit.ly/eWuf4p 2011-04-05T04:07:09Z

@ tweeted: #cck11 #fo2011 "E-moderators are the new generation of teachers and trainers who work with learners online" says... http://bit.ly/gJ3GTN 2011-04-05T01:12:50Z

@ tweeted: Adult Brain Shows Learning Changes Fast: http://bit.ly/dVZ3oK via @sciam #cck11 #spacedpractice: Adult Brain Sho... http://bit.ly/i0EER8 2011-04-05T01:12:49Z

@ tweeted: elearnspace › Knowledge, Networks and Nations #edtech20 #elearning #edchat | @scoopit http://awe.sm/5HmnE #cck11... http://bit.ly/g48G7f 2011-04-05T01:12:49Z

@ tweeted: #cck11 #fo2011 "E-moderators are the new generation of teachers and trainers who work with learners online" says @gillysalmon 2011-04-04T23:40:25Z

@ tweeted: @jennyluca choice, mobility, connectivism 2011-04-04T23:19:21Z

@ tweeted: RT @sbskmi: Contested Collective Intelligence: #Complexity & #Sensemaking - PARC seminar slides http://slidesha.re/hkAGAu #cck11 2011-04-04T23:05:38Z

@ tweeted: Desmontando los mitos de la multitarea | El caparazon http://t.co/57Jr9Ho via @dreig #eadsunday, #inovareduca #cck11 2011-04-04T23:00:11Z

@ tweeted: Adult Brain Shows Learning Changes Fast: http://bit.ly/dVZ3oK via @sciam #cck11 #spacedpractice 2011-04-04T22:57:05Z

@ tweeted: elearnspace › Knowledge, Networks and Nations #edtech20 #elearning #edchat | @scoopit http://awe.sm/5HmnE #cck11 #iste11 2011-04-04T22:16:18Z

@ tweeted: CCK11 Semana 12 Visiones en transformación http://tinyurl.com/6l6b2g4 2011-04-04T21:35:41Z

@ tweeted: The #CCK11 Daily is out! http://bit.ly/gFaoPR ▸ Top stories today via @gordon_l @romieh @verozentella 2011-04-04T21:24:21Z

@ tweeted: #JayCut Your Free Online Video Editor #edtech20 #edtools #elearning @scoopit http://t.co/IU32V9D #iste11 #cck11 #web20 #socialmedia #ascd11 2011-04-04T20:39:32Z

@ tweeted: RT @Gordon_L: 'Any Questions? (part 1)' - new #CCK11 post; http://bit.ly/htqFs6 #mooc: RT @Gordon_L: 'Any Q... http://bit.ly/gm1RD8 2011-04-04T18:29:13Z

@ tweeted: 'Any Questions? (part 1)' - new #CCK11 post; http://bit.ly/htqFs6 #mooc: 'Any Questions? (part 1)' - n... http://bit.ly/gEOAJG 2011-04-04T18:29:13Z

@ tweeted: RT @swedinbalchik: Emotional Learning: Social Media make expressions of emotions explicit - Amygdala form and store memories from emotional events (#CCK11) 2011-04-04T17:25:02Z

@ tweeted: #cck11 http://boussole-orchidee.arts-et-metiers.net/ 2011-04-04T20:01:39Z

@ tweeted: My latest SlideShare upload : The New Norm http://slidesha.re/i7TqvW cck11 final project 2011-04-04T19:49:54Z

@ tweeted: #cck11 http://bit.ly/hHqHUS 2011-04-04T19:25:52Z

@ tweeted: Rethinking Learning and Technology: Never Stop Dancing http://t.co/X5V1gj4 #elearning #connectivism #education #socialmedia 2011-04-04T18:51:25Z

@ tweeted: http://connectiv.wordpress.com/2011/04/01/the-most-important-lessons-cck11/ The most important lessons #cck11 #elearning #connectivism 2011-04-04T18:50:44Z

@ tweeted: http://suifaijohnmak.wordpress.com/2011/04/01/cck11-connectivist-learning-and-its-future/ #elearning #connectivism #education #learning 2011-04-04T18:50:01Z

@ tweeted: The pixels on the screen in front of you are recognized as a meaning full pattern when they are linked together (#CCK11) 2011-04-04T18:35:38Z

@ tweeted: Yes worth a read RT @gsiemens: discussion thread: learning theories in cck11: http://bit.ly/efG1Ng #cck11: Yes w... http://bit.ly/h88wfv 2011-04-04T18:29:13Z

@ tweeted: ¿Qué tan grande es tu mundo?: A Small World http://t.co/uBqbkdN#CCK11: ¿Qué tan grande es tu mundo?: A Small Wor... http://bit.ly/dFNOTu 2011-04-04T18:29:13Z

@ tweeted: RT @gsiemens: discussion thread: learning theories in cck11: http://bit.ly/efG1Ng 2011-04-04T17:16:43Z

@ tweeted: Connie Weber replied to Ian Carmichael's discussion 'Connectivism': Connie Weber replied to I... http://bit.ly/f1lsuc #Fireside Learning 2011-04-04T16:59:44Z

@ tweeted: Connie Weber replied to Ian Carmichael's discussion 'Connectivism': Connie Weber replied to Ian Ca... http://bit.ly/f1lsuc #FiresideNing 2011-04-04T16:59:44Z

@ tweeted: Yes worth a read RT @gsiemens: discussion thread: learning theories in cck11: http://bit.ly/efG1Ng #cck11 2011-04-04T16:50:47Z

@ tweeted: ¿Qué tan grande es tu mundo?: A Small World http://t.co/uBqbkdN #CCK11 2011-04-04T16:25:25Z