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April 16, 2012

Blog Posts

This is a list of the blog posts mentioning the change11 keyword or tag harvested from the list of blogs submitted by participants.

How do you live and learn online?(D. Cormier)
T, lucidTranslucent
Eis o texto em que D. Cormier nos mobiliza para as ultimas semanas do change11.Estes ultimos dias eu não escrevi por alguns motivos pessoais, entre eles o meu aniversario e feriados. Mas nas ultimas semanas as minhas postagens foram muito mobilizantes.A nossa vida online, aparenta ser uma arvore, que tem raizes profundas e oferece sombra a quem [Link] 2012-04-16T04:43:00.001-07:00 [Comment]

#Change11 #CCK12 What does an online community mean to you?
suifaijohnmak, Learner Weblog
The post on online community attracted my attention. Mark says in his blog: “We would like to think of technology as providing a ‘virtual community’, but I think this is mistaken not just because what is created online is not … Continue reading → [Link] Mon, 16 Apr 2012 04:35:40 +0000 [Comment]

Notes for #change11 Rheingold, Snowden, Harrington Code and Irvine
Cathy, Cathy Anderson
I am woefully behind on my MOOC /#change11! Today I listened to Howard Rheingold's informal discussion with students which took place way back in early  January, then Dave Snowden's Collaborate/Elluminate recording and finally Valerie Irvine, PhD and Jilliane Code, PhD. While I can also agree that Carr has a point, Rheingold observes that Carr makes [...] Related posts:A few short notes #change11 Some Random Notes on #change11 blogs I review a few... #change11 random notes trying .... [Link] Sun, 15 Apr 2012 22:19:05 +0000 [Comment]

Open Strategies in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges
Mark Mcguire, Mark McGuire's Blog
Last week (11-13 April), I attended the DEANZ 2012 (Distance Education Association New Zealand) conference  in Wellington, where I gave a presentation titled: “Open Strategies in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges”. I uploaded my slides to the DEANS conference presentation site, where the presentations are linked to the schedule. It is worth checking out the other presentations [...] [Link] Sun, 15 Apr 2012 22:17:31 +0000 [Comment]

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-15
Tim Stafford, Desperately Seeking Fusion™
RT @educationweek: Blog: Is Hawaii One Step Closer to Losing Race to Top Grant? #edpolitics # RT @socialmedia2day: Don't miss our next webinar on #biking #infrastructure! April 16th, 11:30 ET, 16:30 GMT! # RT @rickmans: Google Biz Chief: … Continue reading → [Link] Sun, 15 Apr 2012 08:58:00 +0000 [Comment]

#change11 – A proposito di realtà e mito
serenaturri, serenaturri's Blog
Stamattina non sono riuscita ad andare oltre alla lettura della prima delle risorse segnalate da S.Downes nell’OLDaily del 13 aprile,perché  sono stata catturata dalla presentazione che il ricercatore ha realizzato per la conferenza a Tallin (Estonia) 12 – 13 April 2012, intitolata L’apprendimento nell’era digitale: realtà e mito. A coinvolgermi sono stati i singoli elementi, [...] [Link] Sat, 14 Apr 2012 23:33:08 +0000 [Comment]

Motivation and Education
Mark Mcguire, Mark McGuire's Blog
I came across a post on Matt Monge’s blog about “The Surprising Truth About Motivation”, an animated talk that Dan Pink gave at the RSA (while you’re on Matt’s blog, also have a look at his other posts). I’ve embedded Dan Pink’s animated talk below. You might also be interested in his TED talk on “The Surprising Science of [...] [Link] Sat, 14 Apr 2012 21:21:32 +0000 [Comment]

#Change11 #CCK12 What is the price of copying and plagiarism?
suifaijohnmak, Learner Weblog
In this what is plagiarism: plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone else’s work and lying about it afterward. Is copying the same as plagiarizing?  It seems that people could be a good “copier”, but not … Continue reading → [Link] Sat, 14 Apr 2012 07:52:04 +0000 [Comment]

More on visualization: Martin Hawksey and TAGSExplorer #change11
So I’ve caught the visualization bug from Week 28.  I started off with “Duh You wot??………Mmm don’t need to re-invent the wheel just follow the instructions, and then as in Andre true connection…….. ‘more more more, how do you like it, how do you like it’.”. After trying out Gephi, I thought I would go [...] [Link] Sat, 14 Apr 2012 06:54:51 +0000 [Comment]

#Change11 #CCK12 Moving beyond Management and Leadership Part 3
suifaijohnmak, Learner Weblog
In this part 3, I would like to consider and reflect on various strategies in moving beyond management and leadership in a networked learning environment. I would re-conceptualize a model where power, transformational leadership and networks could be used to … Continue reading → [Link] Sat, 14 Apr 2012 04:29:12 +0000 [Comment]

#Change11 #CCK12 How would online learners feel about collaborative learning?
suifaijohnmak, Learner Weblog
In this Are Online Learners Frustrated with Collaborative Learning Experience by Neus Capdeferro and Margarida Romero: The analysis of student frustration in our study also shows that assessment inequities are important sources of frustration; the implication for institutions is that … Continue reading → [Link] Sat, 14 Apr 2012 06:28:34 +0000 [Comment]

Changing attitudes to leadership
jennymackness, Jenny Connected
Dr Martha Cleveland-Innes asks (in changeMooc) this week – 'Who needs leadership?' Who needs leadership mooc View more PowerPoint from martic This was a thoughtful presentation. I liked the measured pace and the challenge to traditional ways of thinking about leadership. It seems that there is no longer in this post-modern era a grand theory [...] [Link] Fri, 13 Apr 2012 17:37:20 +0000 [Comment]

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All content in the Diigo Change11 Group


Put the hashtag #change11 in your tweets and we will post it here

@CathyLAnderson tweeted: Notes for #change11 Rheingold, Snowden, Harrington Code and Irvine « Cathy Anderson 2012-04-16T05:30:05Z

@SlavetoDave tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 What does an online community mean to you? vía @ 2012-04-16T05:19:11Z

@cued_ tweeted: RT @lgaretio: #Change11 #CCK12 What is the price of copying and plagiarism? 2012-04-16T06:50:04Z

@jankenb2 tweeted: #edchat #eltchat Is a twitter chat grp a MOOC? There R sched live mtings, emergng topics, open enroll & use of OER #change11 @ 2012-04-16T06:14:51Z

@fboss tweeted: RT @mhawksey RT @luckysa: More on visualization: Martin Hawksey and TAGSExplorer #change11 # 2012-04-16T08:40:39Z

@mhawksey tweeted: RT @luckysa: More on visualization: Martin Hawksey and TAGSExplorer #change11 2012-04-16T08:31:01Z

@cued_ tweeted: RT @lgaretio: #Change11 #CCK12 How would online learners feel about collaborative learning? 2012-04-16T06:50:20Z

@NovusNous tweeted: RT @mhawksey: RT @luckysa: More on visualization: Martin Hawksey and TAGSExplorer #change11 2012-04-16T08:42:00Z

@crearvirtual tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 How would online learners feel about collaborative learning? | Learner Weblog 2012-04-16T02:26:49Z

@CathyLAnderson tweeted: Notes for #change11 Rheingold, Snowden, Harrington Code and Irvine « Cathy Anderson 2012-04-16T04:19:36Z

@AnaCristinaPrts tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 Are there gaps in digital generations? # 2012-04-16T02:58:13Z

@suifaijohnmak tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 What does an online community mean to you? 2012-04-16T04:35:52Z

@RolandLegrand tweeted: MOOCs in Space #peeragogy # 2012-04-15T21:53:09Z

@mark_mcguire tweeted: My #DEANZ2012 Pres "Open Strategies in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges" #change11 #highered #open # 2012-04-15T22:22:00Z

@CathyLAnderson tweeted: Notes for #change11 Rheingold, Snowden, Harrington Code and Irvine « Cathy Anderson 2012-04-15T22:20:47Z

@CC_Aotearoa tweeted: RT @mark_mcguire: My #DEANZ2012 Pres "Open Strategies in Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges" #change11 #highered #open # 2012-04-15T23:20:11Z

@suifaijohnmak tweeted: RT @davecormier: The last five weeks of #change11 "how do you live and learn online?" 2012-04-15T23:06:59Z

@suifaijohnmak tweeted: RT @CathyLAnderson: Notes for #change11 Rheingold, Snowden, Harrington Code and Irvine « Cathy Anderson 2012-04-15T23:04:10Z

@onewheeljoe tweeted: ontology vs folksonomy> a 21st century concept #change11 # 2012-04-15T15:13:14Z

@davecormier tweeted: The last five weeks of #change11 "how do you live and learn online?" 2012-04-15T19:29:39Z

@timekord tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 Moving beyond Management and Leadership Part 3 By @ 2012-04-15T18:22:43Z

@AnaCristinaPrts tweeted: RT @kaihaveman: #Change11 #CCK12 What is the price of copying and plagiarism? via @AnaCristinaPrts | @scoopit 2012-04-15T09:26:23Z

@kaihaveman tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 What is the price of copying and plagiarism? via @AnaCristinaPrts | @scoopit 2012-04-15T08:45:40Z

@AnaCristinaPrts tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 What is the price of copying and plagiarism? 2012-04-15T03:08:23Z

@luckysa tweeted: Court Rules Software Not Protected By Fed Crime Laws, via @techcrunch # 2012-04-15T04:36:23Z

@MattMonge tweeted: RT @mark_mcguire: Blog post with related videos "Motivation and Education" #change11 #cck12 #edchat #highered #TED @ 2012-04-14T21:49:13Z

@mark_mcguire tweeted: Blog post with related videos "Motivation and Education" #change11 #cck12 #edchat #highered #TED @ 2012-04-14T21:25:36Z

@mark_mcguire tweeted: Wayne Peters (@wdpeters_caut): "AUCC’s Statement an Academic Freedom Wakeup Call" & # 2012-04-14T23:34:21Z

@serena0591 tweeted: #change11 - A proposito di realtà e mito 2012-04-14T23:33:14Z

@Mefance tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 How would online learners feel about collaborative learning? via @suifaijohnmak # 2012-04-14T16:19:03Z

@AnaCristinaPrts tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 Moving beyond Management and Leadership Part 3 # 2012-04-14T16:03:18Z

@lgaretio tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 What is the price of copying and plagiarism? 2012-04-14T17:21:24Z

@crearvirtual tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 What is the price of copying and 2012-04-14T17:13:04Z

@sindrdown tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 What is the price of copying and 2012-04-14T17:13:04Z

@HarleyVillicah tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 Moving beyond Management and Leadership ... 2012-04-14T19:24:07Z

@lgaretio tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 How would online learners feel about collaborative learning? 2012-04-14T17:36:23Z

@TechGeek_Guy tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 Moving beyond Management and Leadership ... | @scoopit 2012-04-14T14:42:06Z

@HarleyVillicah tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 Moving beyond Management and Leadership ... 2012-04-14T12:05:38Z

@CFORPmultimedia tweeted: How would online learners feel about collaborative learning? (via @suifaijohnmak @nancyrubin) #Change11 # 2012-04-14T15:16:06Z

@nancyrubin tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 How would online learners feel about collaborative learning? via @ 2012-04-14T15:15:18Z

@kukharenko tweeted: RT @suifaijohnmak: #Change11 #CCK12 What is the price of copying and plagiarism? 2012-04-14T08:20:55Z

@suifaijohnmak tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 What is the price of copying and plagiarism? 2012-04-14T07:52:06Z

@luckysa tweeted: More on visualization: Martin Hawksey and TAGSExplorer #change11 2012-04-14T06:54:52Z

@AnaCristinaPrts tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 Moving beyond Management and Leadership Part 3 2012-04-14T09:35:00Z

@kukharenko tweeted: RT @suifaijohnmak: #Change11 #CCK12 How would online learners feel about collaborative learning? 2012-04-14T08:21:52Z

@nancyrubin tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 What is the price of copying and plagiarism? via @ 2012-04-14T10:20:10Z

@luckysa tweeted: 5 more weeks to go on the MOOC ;-( but where is week 30's session on blackboard?? # 2012-04-14T04:50:04Z

@suifaijohnmak tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 Moving beyond Management and Leadership Part 3 2012-04-14T04:29:18Z

@suifaijohnmak tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 How would online learners feel about collaborative learning? 2012-04-14T06:28:37Z

@AnaCristinaPrts tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 Moving beyond Management and Leadership Part 3 #leadership # 2012-04-14T05:50:15Z