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Daily Newsletter

March 21, 2012

Blog Posts

This is a list of the blog posts mentioning the change11 keyword or tag harvested from the list of blogs submitted by participants.

Sentences from the Inside, #cck12, #change11
, Communications & Society
[Link] Wed, 21 Mar 2012 00:56:00 +0000 [Comment]

Childrens = freedom + move
T, lucidTranslucent
Sei que o primeiro pensamento poderá ser " os exemplos são irrelevantes" ! ou " onde estará a base  acadêmica" ou " na disciplina que eu ensino não é assim!"Por favor, estes são simples exemplos! e exemplos não são copias!No inicio o pensamento foi direcionado para as fotos digitalizadas como simples recordações ou prestaçã.... [Link] 2012-03-20T18:49:00.000-07:00 [Comment]

My name isn't Alice!
T, lucidTranslucent
....repito, eu não me chamo Alice, mas gosto muito de chá, livros e das maravilhas tecnológicas, quando elas são bem utilizadas em prol do bem comum.Por vezes falta-me tempo, ou perco muito tempo, mas todos sabem que a questão do tempo não cabe aparentemente  a Alice, mas sim ao coelho!Entre o acender e apagar a luz do conhecimento tecnológico diário, mensal e .... [Link] 2012-03-20T10:43:00.005-07:00 [Comment]

Who owns online learning? #change11
mdeimann, markusmind
This provocative question has been posted by Tony Bates based on the recent announcement that MIT will develop a new open learning platform. It is called Open Learning Enterprise and aimed at ” interactive, pedagogically effective online learning”. It seems that MIT can further capitalize on their investments in Open Education as they have just [...] [Link] Tue, 20 Mar 2012 15:46:04 +0000 [Comment]

[Browse all Blog Posts]


These are individual comments posted today to the discussion threads (for new discussion threads, see the list above)

Teresa Elisabeth, Re: Comment to Bioramaxwell: Learning diary Vs blogging a story of motivation #change11, GLUP!!! :
Lucky Suleiman Ahmed, Re: Comment to Bioramaxwell: Learning diary Vs blogging a story of motivation #change11, Hey Brainysmurf, Yes it was a good article by ....
Teresa Elisabeth, Re: Comment to Bioramaxwell: Learning diary Vs blogging a story of motivation #change11, hi, I've read the post, but now I need to ....

All content in the Diigo Change11 Group


Put the hashtag #change11 in your tweets and we will post it here

@enactivist tweeted: RT @dmlcentral: Connected Learning:principles weren’t born in the digital age, but they are well-suited to it # 2012-03-21T05:34:24Z

@lgaretio tweeted: Integrating the classroom into ICT and the rise of the virtual pedagogue - #change11 2012-03-20T19:37:43Z

@koutropoulos tweeted: between #Change11 and @chronicle my @readitlater list has grown for my evening 2012-03-20T20:35:00Z

@Gruenabc tweeted: RT @NicolaAvery: #change11 teacher roles and MOOC 2012-03-20T09:07:06Z

@cued_ tweeted: RT @lgaretio: #Change11 #CCK12 #LAK12 Educational Challenges and Learning Analytics 2012-03-20T08:06:18Z

@mdeimann tweeted: Who owns online learning? #change11 via @mdeimann #ioe12 #opco12 # 2012-03-20T15:48:11Z

@mdeimann tweeted: Who owns online learning? #change11 2012-03-20T15:46:07Z

@luchohdg tweeted: #Change11 #CCK12 What is common in Connectivism, Constructivism and Constructionism? vía @ 2012-03-20T14:54:44Z

@Rsuominen tweeted: "Students can, and do, create their own personalised #learning pathways." RT @timbuckteeth # 2012-03-20T16:00:54Z