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CCK11 Daily Newsletter

February 7, 2011

Week 4: Unique idea in Connectivism

Dates: February 7 - 14, 2011


What makes Connectivism distinct from other learning theories? That's going to be the subject of week 4 in the course -- the short version, though, is that connective knowledge is grown, not built, it is natural, not intentional, and it is inherent, not representative. We examine the differences between Connectivism, Activity Theory, Actor Network Theory (ANT) and Connectivism and Constructivism. Each of these are complex topics that require more in-depth discussion than we have time for this week. However, recognizing these theories and how they are related to each other is important in order to situate connectivism.


Activity Theory: Short Introduction (YouTube video)

Introduction to Learning Theories

What is Actor Network Theory

...and, for a quick overview of the history of learning theories, please see Situating Connectivism



This week will be heavily discussion focused as we'll be exploring numerous broad theories. Please tag resources or reading that you encounter with #CCK11. On your blog, reflect on the main attributes of these different theories and how they inform learning and social interactions. In particular, what are the unique ideas in connectivism? Or, if you don't feel there are unique ideas, how do existing learning theories address learning in social, networked, technologically-embedded environments?

Facilitator Posts

To view the entire blog post, click on the title of the post, and you'll be taken to the blog post itself.

Friday Recording
Stephen Downes, CCK11, February 4, 2011.

Recording from Friday's session. Stephen Downes, an examination of Connective Knowledge and related issues.
Enclosure: files/audio/cck11_04February11.mp3 Size: 15092424 bytes, type: audio/mpeg [Comment]

New Discussion Threads

Consider commenting on participant's blog post to create a new discussion here. To view the entire discussion thread, click on the title of the post, and you'll be taken to the blog post itself. Or view the list of all discussion threads.

Trilhas do conhecimento Conectivo
Tereza Elisabeth, 1219 - lúcidaTranslúcida #CCK11, February 6, 2011.

Hi Jaapsoft

Estou a responder a sua questão, e obrigado por postar em meu blog e ter o trabalho de tradução, ok
Explico a frase "Cada aluno tece o seu tecido, com os seus padrões diferentes. Validar é necessário, dar valor também."

Cada aluno é único, diferente, mesmo que pertencente a uma mesma comunidade ou etnia. As suas vivências familiares influenciam a sua percepção do conhecimento, ok

Falo do ato de tecer em conjunto e e nos moldes do "tecido Conjuntivo"explicado por S. Downes.
Online ou offline, os padrões influênciam no seu modo de aprender, os caminhos são diferentes, e como o conhecimento é amplo é muito mais fácil para um professor desejar que nada seja diferente, mas a diversidade existe, como também é diverso o modo de aprender.
Cabe aí validar a individualidade de cada aluno e dar valor à diversidade, pois a aula poderá ser mais criativa.
aqui no Brasil, não contamos com diferenças culturais fortes como devem existir nos EUA...
Mas mesmo assim, há diversidade.

jaap, 1193 - Scottx5's Blog, February 6, 2011.

Good questions, I like this!
Must think about this and maybe writing a blog on this.
Great find.
regards Jaap [Comment]

My experience
maurazini, , February 5, 2011.

Enter your comment here
My experience in a vocational school made me think a lot of use on the approach proposed by the theory of network connectivity and I feel close to the critical Antonio Calvani.

The basis of our society is made up of people who have very little technical expertise, technical, cultural and motivational why I think that only after great efforts by teachers and appropriate support will be able to acquire the minimum skilss and awareness that, perhaps, allow them to use the net benefit of an intelligence and connective knowledge [Comment]

#CCK11 resoconto per interposta persona
Tereza Elisabeth, 1167 - serenaturri's Blog, February 4, 2011.

olá, eu também não vou aos seminários, mas as pessoas já estão a postar as sínteses dos temas tratados , prucure o blog do Profesorbaker ok! [Comment]

Networks vs Hierarchies
Tereza Elisabeth, 1171 - knowledge remix, February 4, 2011.

Procurei uma tela de Miró para explicar a minha conexão e encontrei ( era outro) mas este aqui serve de exemplo ok

Procure "Couple sur la lune e veja como aparenta ser um mapa de hierarquia!
;) [Comment]


These are individual comments posted today to the discussion threads (for new discussion threads, see the list above).

murrayjo2, Roles for "humanoid instructors", I'm having trouble inserting links. Here'....
murrayjo2, Roles for "humanoid instructors", Courses, Still Lacking That Third Dimension by ....
maurazini, Re: Taxonomy of Learning Theories « E-Learning Provocateur, Hi all, I think this study on basic skills and ....
Theodore A. Hoppe, Re: Taxonomy of Learning Theories « E-Learning Provocateur, There are studies that show boys are falling ....
rose, Re: gRSShopper Blog Reader, Very useful thanks Stephen - clarified it for ....

Participants' Blog Posts

This is a list of the blog posts mentioning the CCK11 keyword or tag harvested from the list of blogs submitted by participants.
[Browse all Blog Posts]

[[CCK11]]: A reply I posted on Wikipedia discussion:
Aboluay, Aboluay's (Anas) Musings
A reply I posted on Wikipedia discussion: [Link] 2011-02-07T07:54:46 [Comment]

#ELTChat: Pronunciation Dreams #CCK11
profesorbaker, Profesorbaker's Blog
“Make sure to work on their pronunciation.” That was one of my key assignments as I began my job last year. Except how was I going to do that? I mean, I know I’m a model, that many, if not … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-02-06T20:15:30 [Comment]

Le copier-coller, clé de la productivité textuelle (CCK11/2)
christine-vaufrey, Le blog de Christine Vaufrey
Le copier-coller n’est pas uniquement l’opération qui permet aujourd’hui tous les plagiats littéraires et universitaires. C’est aussi la clé de la productivité textuelle et un texte qui n’est pas “copiable-collable” est un texte mort. Voici l’argument que défendait Steven Berlin Johnson voici quelques mois devant les étudiants en journalisme de l’université de Columbia. J’ai découvert le texte [...] [Link] 2011-02-06T18:46:34 [Comment]

Proud Connections to the Blue Cloud People
hamtra@gmail.com (Tracy Parish), Discovery Through eLearning
"Looking at Your Connection Network with New Eyes" So last week when I saw that you make a visualized map of your connections on Linkedin I thought excellent, I want to see how mine compares to the example they show.  And voila here it is. Compared with examples I was kind of embarrassed on how small mine was.  It didn't look very dynamic or exciting at all.  How was I to share this with #CCK11?  Look how few connections I have.  I need more peers!!!.... [Link] 2011-02-06T17:33:00 [Comment]

An Example of Emergent Learning
jennymackness, Jenny Connected
The open connectivism courses that are run by Stephen Downes and George Siemens are rich with examples of emergent learning and whether or not intended, the design of these courses can promote emergent learning. The CCK11 Elluminate session on Friday last (4 th Feb – recording here) was an example of this. Stephen found himself [...] [Link] 2011-02-06T16:15:53 [Comment]

Thinking Inside of the Circle May Be Just What You Need
hamtra@gmail.com (Tracy Parish), Discovery Through eLearning
Okay, so the real saying is "Think Outside of the Box", but two postings I saw this recently were so far out of the box for me that I started to wonder if it's a way of thinking I can every accomplish.  Maybe my thinking is outside sometimes, but the real genius is inside the circle or tip-toeing around the triangle or maybe skipping around the hexagon.  Whatever the phrase might be, these two gentlemen displayed some great ingenuity. Bruce Graham is one of these .... [Link] 2011-02-06T16:05:00 [Comment]

My Network Analyses, CCK11
steveediger, On the Learning Curve
With this great LinkedIn Tool, via Stephen, I mapped my rather meager Linkedin network and was a bit amazed at the results.  I seem to be the boundary spanner between two international schools, technology in India and the USA and various thinkers.  Now how can I leverage this in the course to get an A? [...] [Link] 2011-01-26T05:39:25 [Comment]

scottx5, Scottx5's Blog
Discover Magazine http://discovermagazine.com/2003/apr/feattech/?searchterm=social%20networks Great article that I think originally came from CIDAR at Athabasca University? Improper attribution is my responsibility here and I apologize not because I’m taking credit for creating the material only because distributed knowledge still originates somewhere. … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-02-05T22:14:47 [Comment]

El Panóptico ubicuo en el Learning. #CCK11 #LAK11
, Media-lab.info
En general, centros de enseñanza virtual y profesores estamos reflexionando y debatiendo, con la mejor intención, el uso de herramientas que detectan la desmotivación del alumno en ese punto crítico,... [Link] [Comment]

Dialogues (help!)
gabriela, redeflexiones
Where are dialogues happening?I have been following and participating a bit at the facebook cck11 group. I also follow the diary's part that connects blog comments. And when I am able to attend, the chat at Elluminate sessions.But so far, I haven't find a place where profund, deep dialog is happening.What I've been experiencing is interesting, I get an idea here and there, but is not helping me to go deep in the concepts (not easy at all) of the couse.Bet they are other places... .... [Link] 2011-02-05T19:00:00 [Comment]

Actor Network Theory (ANT)
jaapsoft2, connectiv
One of the subjects this week in CCK11 is Actor Network Theory (ANT). As no reader or link is presented in the coursebook, I like to find some sources on Actor Network Theory (ANT). Originally created by Latour and Callon (France)  and John Law. Short: an actor is part of a network of human and non-human organization [...] [Link] 2011-02-05T13:08:47 [Comment]

To me cck11 isn´t knowledge until it´s used
Linn, Jakten på den perfekta lektionen
When I was in teachers school, some taught us "try not lecture to much when you  teach, research show that people will typically stop listening after only ten minutes", by lecturing to us (for hours and hours).You can understand something but then act yourself like you didn´t understand it. Like I understand a lot about a healthy lifestyle and yet keep on acting like I didn´t.The "knowledge" then has no impact in practice.I prefer to look at knowledge as something that really changes .... [Link] 2011-02-05T11:16:00 [Comment]

Frames and Context: Toomato or Tomato
damoclarky, Damo's World
This post relates to my study of CCK11. A fellow student, Jaap recently took the time to comment on my week 3 concept map, plus share his own (thanks Jaap ). Jaap asked in a comment on my concept map: “I think in connectivism context and framing are look-a-likes, do you agree?”  Jaap similarly makes [...] [Link] 2011-02-05T11:03:23 [Comment]

REPOST: Improving university teaching, learning theory, and curriculum design
damoclarky, Damo's World
This post relates to my study of CCK11. I found an article I wrote two years ago regarding improving university teaching, learning theories and instructional (curriculum) design while studying instructional design through UManitoba.  I thought it was relevant to my current study of CCK11, and so am reposting so that it would be included in [...] [Link] 2011-02-05T10:27:44 [Comment]

Trilhas do conhecimento Conectivo
T, lúcidaTranslúcida #CCK11
Em uma postagem intitulada Mapas mentais e conceituais, na legenda da foto, escrevi algo sobre o reflexo que surgiu quando fotografei.Lógico que fiquei em dúvida sobre a utilização da palavra, se "reflexão - Refletir"ou se o que desejava pontuar era sobre a "Refração da luz" , ou se ambas as palavras se adequavam ao contexto assinalado e porque não? ambas lá estavam.Em um outro momento, sobre o Conhecimento Conectivo, sobre as conexões do tecido, onde as ligações (links ou .... [Link] 2011-02-05T09:59:00 [Comment]

The wierdness of networks #CCK11
scottx5, Scottx5's Blog
The oddities of networks: Just when I come up with a policy to free myself from clutches of the net the human side emerges from the tangle to remind me of the power of kindness over dogmatic statement. How can … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-02-05T05:56:37 [Comment]

How I Write: “I Still Do Not Write” #CCK11 #ELTchat
profesorbaker, Profesorbaker's Blog
Theodore A, Hoppe says: February 4, 2011 at 8:42 pm I have to admit that I still do not write. If it were not for the computer, I would not create written text. I compose in words, a challenging concept … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-02-05T04:14:32 [Comment]

The Linkedin Community Responds to the Great Debate: Is TEFL a Profession? Is Teaching a Profession? #CCK11 #ELTchat
profesorbaker, Profesorbaker's Blog
Preamble: Ladies and gentlemen, here are the responses received from my Linkedin professional learning network (PLN). The responses represent a variety of viewpoints, some personal, others objective. From whatever vantage point you view these responses, the one thing you can … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-02-04T22:01:29 [Comment]

Would You Change? A Connectivist Reactive-Writing Lesson Plan (#CCK11) (#ELTchat) (#esl) (#edreform) (#education)
profesorbaker, Profesorbaker's Blog
Would you change? That’s the writing prompt for a reactive-writing lesson. Here, I’m using my biography, true stories taken from my life experience, to increase the likelihood of engaging my students. After all, who would have thought that the teacher … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-02-04T18:32:05 [Comment]

The difference between learning and teaching
noreply@blogger.com (Verónica Vázquez Zentella), Con sabor educativo
CCK11When I was studying pedagogy twenty years ago, teaching and learning were a single word, single concept. Then, years later, I found out that these words weren’t inseparable. Now, everything is about learning and, according to some people, it has very little, or even nothing, to do with teaching.Gee! I wouldn´t be so sure about that. Let me explain myself. Let’s think for a moment that learning is like eating. (I know the analogy doesn’t quite make it, but let’s think it does.) So, .... [Link] 2011-02-04T17:36:00 [Comment]

Open Data Manual
, Best content in CCK2011 | Diigo - Groups
Tags: LAK11, #LAK11, data, CCK11, #CCK11, connectivismby: [Link] 2011-02-04T15:08:21 [Comment]

LinkedIn Network Map - Week 2 of #cck11
, Connecting the Dots
My connections within LinkedIn are still quite limited. I used the site inmaps for LinkedIn Completing this map was fun, but i wish i had more connections in LinkedIN to see it in a complex network map. Next I would love to do it with my twitter friends of over 400. I would like to visualise my network and see how it fits in. There should be an application that does this. (I would love to know of a tool if anyone can help). I would then like to work out which parts of my network .... [Link] 2011-02-04T04:30:00 [Comment]

jaapsoft2, connectiv
Link to this Cmap with working links.   Update of Cmap of CCK11 course. The Cmap is an image of the structure of my view on the course. All links connect to posts in this blog. New links to new posts were added, but no new nodes were added. I wonder why this is? Cmap [...] [Link] 2011-02-04T10:08:44 [Comment]

Twitter Posts

If you use the CCK11 tag on Twitter, your Twitter posts will be collected and listed here (note that harvesting only started Friday morning).

@Shirley867 (Shirley Ferraro) tweeted: Connectivism - getting connected. That's what I'm doing. Learning about learning and creating a personal learning network. 2011-02-07T09:58:08

@JaapSoft (Jaap Bosman) tweeted: http://bit.ly/gwgfNC constructivism, connectivism and realism #cck11 2011-02-07T09:48:32

@helinur (Heli Nurmi) tweeted: RT @Downes: #CCK11 Someone on Wikipedia really really hates connectivism http://bit.ly/h7sNKN and has recommended it for deletion http://bit.ly/bePA2b 2011-02-07T09:45:33

@creativeducator (Lucy Johnson) tweeted: I've been thinking a lot about networks in teaching and learning and the school of thought that is 'connectivism'. 2011-02-07T09:33:15

@BiancaH80 (Bianca Hewes) tweeted: @pipcleaves I failed on #cck11 Not looking good for post-grad studies this year with my workload at school #sadbuttrue 2011-02-07T09:06:28

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: #cck11 Mooc is out! http://bit.ly/g0AhRY 2011-02-07T09:04:11

@TonySearl (TonySearl) tweeted: @djplaner thanks for the Connectivism talk link. Some interesting debate on a whole host of issues 2011-02-07T08:53:32

@kukharenko (Vladimir Kukharenko) tweeted: RT @gsiemens: I took a short dive into the black hole of connectivism criticism on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Connectivism #cck11 2011-02-07T08:00:48

@djplaner (David Jones) tweeted: @TonySearl Appears level of commonality with discussion here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Connectivism, same origins as well #lak11 2011-02-07T07:06:09

@francesbell (Frances Bell) tweeted: RT @ai1sa: What is Connectivism, Yearning for criticism :) my blogpost http://bit.ly/hQroNn CCK11# 2011-02-07T06:01:09

@ISOSSalford (ISOS Salford) tweeted: RT @ai1sa: What is Connectivism, Yearning for criticism :) my blogpost http://bit.ly/hQroNn CCK11# 2011-02-07T06:01:08

@ai1sa (Ailsa Haxell) tweeted: What is Connectivism, Yearning for criticism :) my blogpost http://bit.ly/hQroNn CCK11# 2011-02-07T05:46:06

@junita55 (junita lyon) tweeted: RT @gsiemens: I took a short dive into the black hole of connectivism criticism on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Connectivism #cck11 2011-02-07T04:39:03

@hope4learning (Maureen Parker) tweeted: @snbeach Student-involved and transparent assessment. Brain theory re: motivation, multitasking, constructivism, connectivism. 2011-02-07T04:33:03

@carolskyring (Carol Skyring) tweeted: Whoa - quite a black hole @gsiemens - connectivism criticism on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Connectivism 2011-02-07T04:14:18

@zbpipe (Zoe Branigan-Pipe) tweeted: Reading- and What the?RT @gsiemens wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Connectivism #cck11 2011-02-07T03:47:14

@marcosabarros (Marcos Barros) tweeted: RT @gsiemens: I took a short dive into the black hole of connectivism criticism on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Connectivism #cck11 2011-02-07T03:29:58

@gsiemens (George Siemens) tweeted: I took a short dive into the black hole of connectivism criticism on wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Connectivism #cck11 2011-02-07T03:28:22

@aeratcliffe (AE (Tony) Ratcliffe) tweeted: "Connectivism and Social Constructivism – what’s the difference?" in blog of @lindsayjordan: http://bit.ly/gAE0P5 #phdchat 2011-02-07T02:57:44

@ai1sa (Ailsa Haxell) tweeted: RT @francesbell: Unsure Wikipedia place 4 (needd) connectivsm critique http://bit.ly/eJbjuR Frances started hre http://bit.ly/gaUKK0 cck11# 2011-02-07T02:03:05

@Martin_Brideau (Martin Brideau) tweeted: RT @Downes: #CCK11 Someone on Wikipedia really really hates connectivism http://bit.ly/h7sNKN and has recommended it for deletion http://bit.ly/bePA2b 2011-02-07T01:57:11

@ai1sa (Ailsa Haxell) tweeted: RT @francesbell: Unsure Wikipedia is place 4 (needd) connectivism critique http://bit.ly/eJbjuR I started hre http://bit.ly/gaUKK0 2011-02-07T01:39:41

@blanchardsamuel (Samuel Blanchard) tweeted: RT @Downes: #CCK11 Someone on Wikipedia really really hates connectivism http://bit.ly/h7sNKN and has recommended it for deletion http://bit.ly/bePA2b 2011-02-07T01:22:46

@thbeth (thbeth) tweeted: RT @DaisyGrisolia: RT @julianabiancato: Maravilhoso:Etiquetas psiquiátricas de trastornos inventados http://youtu.be/P_X500l2rhQ #eadsunday #cck11#inovareduca 2011-02-07T00:46:41

@francesbell (Frances Bell) tweeted: Unsure Wikipedia is place for (needed) connectivism critique http://bit.ly/eJbjuR I started here http://bit.ly/gaUKK0 to follow in IRRODL 2011-02-06T22:38:43

@Gordon_L (Gordon_L) tweeted: Tagged some Wikipedia articles for wk4 readings; http://www.delicious.com/gbl/cck11 #cck11 2011-02-06T22:38:36

@profesortbaker (Thomas Baker) tweeted: Check out the new #CCK11 Daily! http://t.co/Gm7rICt posts by @Jaapsoft @ShellTerrell @profesortbaker @NewFacMajority @saadat_m @zaidlearn 2011-02-06T22:05:15

@profesortbaker (Thomas Baker) tweeted: #ELTChat: Pronunciation Dreams #CCK11 http://nblo.gs/dWWFG 2011-02-06T20:15:44

@profesortbaker (Thomas Baker) tweeted: #ELTChat: Pronunciation Dreams #CCK11 http://wp.me/pdHW0-jn 2011-02-06T20:15:39

@ShellTerrell (Shelly S Terrell) tweeted: via @profesortbaker #ELTChat: Pronunciation Dreams #CCK11 http://bit.ly/hZT7Dx #edchat 2011-02-06T20:15:37

@VanessaVaile (VanessaVaile) tweeted: The #CCK11 Daily is out! http://bit.ly/e4FAOy ▸ Top stories today via @jaapsoft @saadat_m @laborteacher 2011-02-06T21:24:11

@JaapSoft (Jaap Bosman) tweeted: Twuster #softskills good night #cck11 2011-02-06T20:41:36

@teachermedeiros (Claudia Medeiros) tweeted: RT @profesortbaker: #ELTChat: Pronunciation Dreams #CCK11 http://wp.me/pdHW0-jn 2011-02-06T20:40:48

@laflacaenperu (La Flaca) tweeted: "English now belongs to the world" You're right! RT @profesortbaker #ELTChat: Pronunciation Dreams #CCK11 http://nblo.gs/dWWFG 2011-02-06T20:34:19

@ELTExperiences (Martin Sketchley) tweeted: RT @vickyloras: RT @ShellTerrell via @profesortbaker #ELTChat: Pronunciation Dreams #CCK11 http://bit.ly/hZT7Dx #edchat 2011-02-06T20:29:43

@cybraryman1 (Jerry Blumengarten) tweeted: @profesortbaker Thank you. I added your #ELTChat: Pronunciation Dreams to my Pronunciation page: http://bit.ly/dpZttj #CCK11 2011-02-06T20:29:10

@cybraryman1 (Jerry Blumengarten) tweeted: RT @vickyloras: RT @ShellTerrell via @profesortbaker #ELTChat: Pronunciation Dreams #CCK11 http://bit.ly/hZT7Dx #edchat 2011-02-06T20:27:36

@tore (Tore Hoel) tweeted: Interesting controversy today on Connectivism & how it is described in Wikipedia via @Downes http://bit.ly/h7sNKN 2011-02-06T20:26:26

@vickyloras (Vicky Loras) tweeted: RT @ShellTerrell via @profesortbaker #ELTChat: Pronunciation Dreams #CCK11 http://bit.ly/hZT7Dx #edchat 2011-02-06T20:25:00

@LaborTeacher (Labor Teacher) tweeted: #ELTChat: Pronunciation Dreams #CCK11 http://networkedblogs.com/dWWFG 2011-02-06T20:22:55

@yohimar (Yohimar) tweeted: RT @ShellTerrell via @profesortbaker #ELTChat: Pronunciation Dreams #CCK11 http://bit.ly/hZT7Dx #edchat 2011-02-06T20:22:04

@profesorbaker (Thomas Baker) tweeted: #ELTChat: Pronunciation Dreams #CCK11 http://nblo.gs/dWWFG 2011-02-06T20:15:47

@veritasvino (Gary Bender) tweeted: I really like Tim Kastelle's take on Siemens & Downes CCK11 Connectivism course - http://bit.ly/ePjN3L 2011-02-06T18:59:47

@anabee (Ana Beatriz) tweeted: RT @NexPeople: RT @julianabiancato: Maravilhoso:Etiquetas psiquiátricas de trastornos inventados http://youtu.be/P_X500l2rhQ #eadsunday #cck11#inovareduca 2011-02-06T18:28:58

@maryakem (Maryann Kempthorne) tweeted: @davecormier r connectivism haters the carthusians of today? #itsallgood #discuss 2011-02-06T18:06:19

@saadat_m (Mohsen Saadatmand) tweeted: Now in CO11: How to introduce OET resources, open source tools and CC licensed learning objects in ....http://bit.ly/dQGuHa , #CCK11, #LAK11 2011-02-06T18:02:44

@creativeducator (Lucy Johnson) tweeted: RT @davecormier: turns out that the connectivism hater is an ex-student of @gsiemens and @Downes http://bit.ly/fCA4Iu see my comments at end of page 2011-02-06T17:54:59

@davecormier (dave cormier) tweeted: turns out that the connectivism hater is an ex-student of @gsiemens and @Downes http://bit.ly/fCA4Iu see my comments at end of page 2011-02-06T17:52:20

@JaapSoft (Jaap Bosman) tweeted: Presentation software and thinking #cck11 blogpost on a facebook discussion http://bit.ly/fIXoUn 2011-02-06T17:51:14

@DaisyGrisolia (Daisy Grisolia) tweeted: @chamady #CCK11 about wikipedia and connectivism - This is a personal disagreement or a theoretical discussion? http://bit.ly/h7sNKN 2011-02-06T17:36:03