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CCK11 Daily Newsletter

February 4, 2011

Friday Live Session

Friday: Live Session: Location: Elluminate Facilitator's discussion. Time:8:00 p.m. Moscow; 5:00 p.m. London; 12 noon New York; 9:00 a.m. Los Angeles; midnight Saturday Beijing, all time zones

This week, we will be trying something new. In addition to the Elluminate, we will be live-streaming an audio feed of the discussion. This is for people using mobile phones or who cannot use Elluminate. Access the live stream in any audio player (like Winamp, Windows Media Player, Quicktime, etc) at or point your browser to this link. Again, this is an alternative for people who cannot use Elluminate, and does not replace Elluminate.

Facilitator Posts

To view the entire blog post, click on the title of the post, and you'll be taken to the blog post itself.

gRSShopper Blog Reader
Stephen Downes, Blip.tv, February 3, 2011.

I've created a short video recording explaining how to use the blog post reader and comments system in CCK11. The video shows how to open the reader, how to navigate through the list of posts contributed by course participants, and how to comment on the posts. [Comment]

Wednesday Recordings
Stephen Downes, CCK11, February 3, 2011.

Recordings from Wednesday's session with Thomas Vander Wal are now available. You might also want to view this nice summary by Porfessor Baker.
Enclosure: files/audio/cck11_02Feb11.mp3 Size: 15755362 bytes, type: audio/mpeg [Comment]

New Discussion Threads

Consider commenting on participant's blog post to create a new discussion here. To view the entire discussion thread, click on the title of the post, and you'll be taken to the blog post itself. Or view the list of all discussion threads.

CCK11 Week 3 Notes
Jonas Backelin, 1144 - Learning About Learning, February 3, 2011.

Kristis post gave me some good perspectives from week 3. I'm still coming to terms with the decentralized discussions in CCK11 (any help with my feed from http://swedinbalchik.wordpress.com/category/studies-work/cck11/feed/ is appreciated; it doesn't show in 'List of Blogs'). I have played around with What Is Connectivism? from week 1 (http://swedinbalchik.wordpress.com/2011/01/26/week01-connectivismcck11/) and will after digesting material from week 2 try too use Video bloging as an artfact for my understanding of the course material. [Comment]

Connectivism and Connective Knowledge: Concept Map
jaap, 1160 - Damo's World, February 3, 2011.

http://connectiv.wordpress.com/2011/01/24/my-mindmap-on-connectivism/ Is my mindmap on connedtivism, I use IHMC Cmap Tools,
Your blog reminds me I want to update my mindmap during the weeks of the #CCK11 course.

We do have a lot of words in common on our maps. [Comment]


These are individual comments posted today to the discussion threads (for new discussion threads, see the list above).

Stephen Downes, Re: CCK11 Week 3 Notes, No problem. That's what this course is for. :)
Jonas Backelin, Re: CCK11 Week 3 Notes, Thank you Stephen, I feel like Bambi on ice when ....
Stephen Downes, Re: CCK11 Week 3 Notes, Links are ugly because it was the only effective ....
maurazini, facebook maura, Hi! I'm Maura and this is my link on ....
Jonas Backelin, Re: Taxonomy of Learning Theories « E-Learning Provocateur, Hi Maura, You have an interesting situation, I ....
Jonas Backelin, Re: CCK11 Week 3 Notes, Wonder if there is a way to make the links in ....

Participants' Blog Posts

This is a list of the blog posts mentioning the CCK11 keyword or tag harvested from the list of blogs submitted by participants.
[Browse all Blog Posts]

#CCK11 out of place
scottx5, Scottx5's Blog
I’d be curious to know how many people prefer the disengagement of online life over the place they physically occupy in the real world. It still is the real world, network theory or not. Two threads here. First I’ve hit … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-02-04T03:37:37 [Comment]

#CCK11 resoconto per interposta persona
serenaturri, serenaturri's Blog
Normalmente non seguo i seminari per il semplice fatto che non sono in grado di comprendere  una conversazione in lingua inglese, se poi il tema è specialistico le difficoltà per me aumentano.  Per informarmi sullo svolgimento del seminario, sul suo argomento e sul gradimento non mi resta che cercare nei blog e individuare per leggere [...] [Link] 2011-02-04T01:43:34 [Comment]

Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #edtech #esl #efl #elt
profesorbaker, Profesorbaker's Blog
Dr. Peter Elbow’s story was amazing, wasn’t it? How many students finish their education, like Peter, without knowing how to write? Countless, no doubt… Writing is a skill that requires a lot of practice to do well. It’s not easy. … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-02-03T23:31:37 [Comment]

#CCK11 Connective Knowledge
Lars Was, eConnections
I just read Stephen’s paper (An Introduction on Connective Knowledge). An extensive text about the building blocks of connective knowledge. How knowledge exists and how it is influenced by us as human beings in a dynamic world. Throughout the reading I more and more got the feeling that not only knowledge but everything is “connected”. [...] [Link] 2011-02-03T21:05:21 [Comment]

Week03: Connective Knowledge (#CCK11)
swedinbalchik, Swedinbalchik's Blog » CCK11
I’m still backtracking to the discussions from the first week of the course, but this post will soon be updated… While there are still many educators developing their Digital Literacy and trying to implement Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in their teaching methods, Jeff Utecht (2010) is already promoting the introduction of Networked Literacy:  Networked [...] [Link] 2011-02-03T13:58:02 [Comment]

Week02: Patterns of Connectivity (#CCK11)
swedinbalchik, Swedinbalchik's Blog » CCK11
I will soon publish a Video presentation where I investigate ‘Patterns of Connectivity’.  In physics we do X and get the predictable result Y, but neural network (and social network) theory is more like meteorology. You succeed based on modelling and simulation, pattern recognition and interpretation, projection and predicting uncertainty. I have studied Air Pollution through [...] [Link] 2011-01-31T19:16:21 [Comment]

Week01: Connectivism?(#CCK11)
swedinbalchik, Swedinbalchik's Blog » CCK11
“Extended SOLO-Taxonomy” is my first attempt to record a video presentation, so bear with me.  I’m not native English speaking and without transcripts, re-takes or rehersal terms like “points within concept” (=related aspects)  and “big information” (=large amount of relevant content) can be confusing.  Finally the course name is “Connectivism and Connective Knowledge 2011“, nothing else This diagram illustrates the two [...] [Link] 2011-01-26T19:26:12 [Comment]

Le connectivisme, ou le lien comme principe de base d’apprentissage (CCK11/1)
christine-vaufrey, Le blog de Christine Vaufrey
Voici presque deux semaines maintenant, je me suis inscrite à un MOOC. Qu’est-ce que c’est que ce nouveau truc ? C’est un “Massive Online Open Course“, c’est à dire un cours en ligne ouvert et massivement distribué. Concrètement, il est possible à qui le souhaite de s’inscrire gratuitement (ce n’est pas systématique, mais c’est une [...] [Link] 2011-02-03T08:13:48 [Comment]

CCK11 Teaching by Questioning
Kyle Fisher, Fishers in La Salle
This is a very interesting youtube clip on how Eric Mazurr is teaching physics. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= [Link] 2011-02-02T02:22:00 [Comment]

danah boyd | apophenia Blog
, Best content in CCK2011 | Diigo - Groups
Comments:Blog of Danah Boyd, a researcher at Microsoft Research New England and a Fellow at the Harvard Berkman Center for Internet and Society - Mohsen SaadatmandTags: blog, socialmedia, cck11, social networkingby: Mohsen [Link] 2011-02-03T16:14:04 [Comment]

Multitudinously scratched in all directions CCK11
davidjennings, Library of Aethers
From the beginning of Chapter 27 of George Eliot’s Middlemarch (taken from Project Gutenberg version): An eminent philosopher among my friends, who can dignify even your ugly furniture by lifting it into the serene light of science, has shown me this pregnant little fact. Your pier-glass or extensive surface of polished steel made to be [...] [Link] 2011-02-03T16:24:31 [Comment]

Playing with schemas CCK11
davidjennings, Library of Aethers
Not quite sure what this connects to yet, but had a tiny a-ha moment this morning during my son’s breakfast routine. He’s 2½ and very preoccupied with his independence. In order to get him through the routines at the start and end of the day, we’ve had to make those routines very… routine: there’s a [...] [Link] 2011-02-03T16:05:00 [Comment]

Entre o conceitual e o mental
T, lúcidaTranslúcida #CCK11
mapa "reflexivo" de acordo com a luminosidade!Não resta nenhuma dúvida de que a visão é o nosso mais importante sentido, repito e torno a repetir; fico realmente fascinada por imagens, figuras, maps e tudo o que se movimenta; este movimento não significa dizer que os aprecio como um todo, a minha visão sempre será crítica, para com o meio onde ele está inserido, para com a cultura que ele representa, para com os pensamentos inerentes ao que embutido nesta movimentação.E não posso .... [Link] 2011-02-03T13:07:00 [Comment]

The Nature vs Nurture debate
Graeme Ferris, Complex Learning
This morning there was an interesting article on the BBC website about research into how much our genes influence our learning (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-12339798) . The research suggests that our genetic disposition does play a very important role in the learning process, strengthening the case for "personalised learning".I had been thinking about this question a couple of weeks ago after quite a profound experience. It was my niece's 21st Birthday party and at one point I saw .... [Link] 2011-02-03T14:58:00 [Comment]

Storify - another curation tool
, Connecting the Dots
I have been continuing my search for curation tools to aid teachers to set up specific KLA Based Information sites for their students. Here is an example of one from Storify.    #cck11 Permalink | Leave a comment  » [Link] 2011-02-03T03:14:00 [Comment]

Twitter Posts

If you use the CCK11 tag on Twitter, your Twitter posts will be collected and listed here (note that harvesting only started Friday morning).

@gconole (Grainne Conole) tweeted: RT @timekord: Social enzymes http://goo.gl/zICdB By @timbuckteeth "rhizomatic nature of Web 2.0 makes it easier to connect & learn informally #cck11 2011-02-04T10:24:50

@timekord (Martin King) tweeted: Social enzymes http://goo.gl/zICdB By @timbuckteeth "rhizomatic nature of Web 2.0 makes it easier to connect & learn informally #cck11 2011-02-04T10:13:07

@timekord (Martin King) tweeted: Rhizoactivity – Toward a Postmodern Theory of Lifelong Learning http://goo.gl/WXsL2 Via @gfbertini #cck11 2011-02-04T10:09:51

@timekord (Martin King) tweeted: A general link for #cck11 The Rise Of Networks, The End Of Process http://goo.gl/8gGBZ 2011-02-04T10:06:12

@timekord (Martin King) tweeted: Diversity , Autonomy, Interactivity, Openness - Are the principles of connectivism the opposite of traditional education? #cck11 2011-02-04T09:54:52

@timekord (Martin King) tweeted: RT @swedinbalchik Thought: We are determined by the technology we use since context today is mostly on-line (#CCK11). 2011-02-04T09:48:05

@timekord (Martin King) tweeted: RT @steelemaley: @oldaily "E-Learning has been based on centralized systems.these centralized systems,such as the LMS, are like a dysfunctional crutch"#cck11 2011-02-04T09:46:22

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: #cck11 Mooc is out! http://bit.ly/g0AhRY ▸ Top stories today via @gordon_l @thbeth 2011-02-04T09:04:15

@Ignatia (Ignatia Webs) tweeted: RT @antoesp: Gr8! Look fw reading it RT @gconole IRRODL is a good journal @gsiemens & I have a special issue of it on connectivism coming out soon! 2011-02-04T08:50:23

@antoesp (antonella esposito) tweeted: Gr8! Look fw reading it RT @gconole IRRODL is a good journal @gsiemens & I have a special issue of it on connectivism coming out soon! 2011-02-04T08:49:49

@gconole (Grainne Conole) tweeted: @antoesp IRRODL is a good journal @gsiemens and I have a special issue of it on connectivism coming out soon! 2011-02-04T08:35:44

@LinnGustavsson (Linn Gustavsson) tweeted: @hsitlia Nice! :) See you there #CO11 #CCK11 2011-02-04T08:34:49

@profesortbaker (Thomas Baker) tweeted: via @KristiBroom Excellent CCK11 Week 3 Notes: http://t.co/MNCm964 2011-02-04T03:48:25

@jsteeveslepage (Jennifer LePage) tweeted: RT @hamtra: Survey reveals educators’ must-have technologies - http://bit.ly/gpIe8g #cck11 #lrnchat 2011-02-04T03:31:09

@DarcusMesveaux (Marcus Desveaux) tweeted: Check out my "Connectivism" entry #EDT400 at http://desveaux.wordpress.com, say what you think. 2011-02-04T02:22:05

@jonbecker (Jonathan Becker) tweeted: Love that @justv1c (one of the students in #adms707) calls me "Sherpa" http://is.gd/YpTChc #connectivism 2011-02-04T01:59:36

@MYared (MYared) tweeted: RT @hamtra: Survey reveals educators’ must-have technologies - http://bit.ly/gpIe8g #cck11 #lrnchat 2011-02-04T01:48:10

@TerrenceWing (Terrence Wing) tweeted: Tx RT @hamtra: AMAZING - using Twitter Favorites Tab to create a course - see example by @terrencewing @ISD20 #lrnchat @#cck11 #TK11 2011-02-04T01:18:43

@kelly_smith01 (Kelly Smith ) tweeted: RT @hamtra: Survey reveals educators’ must-have technologies - http://bit.ly/gpIe8g #cck11 #lrnchat 2011-02-04T01:17:55

@rovybranon (Rovy Branon) tweeted: RT @hamtra: Survey reveals educators’ must-have technologies - http://bit.ly/gpIe8g #cck11 #lrnchat 2011-02-04T01:09:29

@hamtra (Tracy Parish) tweeted: AMAZING - using Twitter Favorites Tab to create a course - see example http://bit.ly/fgmLsE by @terrencewing @ISD20 #lrnchat @#cck11 2011-02-04T01:04:45

@hamtra (Tracy Parish) tweeted: App Fusion: Twaining in Twitter by Terrence Wing : Learning Solutions Magazine http://t.co/N0BxCjf via @GuildMeister #cck11 #lrnchat 2011-02-04T00:51:38

@hamtra (Tracy Parish) tweeted: Survey reveals educators’ must-have technologies - http://bit.ly/gpIe8g #cck11 #lrnchat 2011-02-04T00:49:09

@debralcamp (Debbie Campbell) tweeted: RT @ShellTerrell: via @profesortbaker Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #edtech #esl ... http://bit.ly/ibeS7P #edchat 2011-02-04T00:43:41

@imagineacircle (Aaron Johannes) tweeted: nice comparison FB and LI #ZaidLearn: Use Linkedin to Collaborate with the Corporate World? http://bit.ly/gQkTIS #CCK11 thanks! 2011-02-04T00:39:13

@CCK11Feeds (CCK11 Feeds) tweeted: RT @ShellTerrell: via @profesortbaker Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #ed... http://bit.ly/f2Rf6a 2011-02-04T00:27:18

@CCK11Feeds (CCK11 Feeds) tweeted: RT @profesortbaker: Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #edtech #esl #efl #el... http://bit.ly/gfwXmI 2011-02-04T00:27:18

@CCK11Feeds (CCK11 Feeds) tweeted: Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #edtech #esl #efl #elt http://nblo.gs/dQI... http://bit.ly/faQvJo 2011-02-04T00:27:18

@CCK11Feeds (CCK11 Feeds) tweeted: Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #edtech #esl #efl #elt http://nblo.gs/dQI... http://bit.ly/dFptZr 2011-02-04T00:27:18

@CCK11Feeds (CCK11 Feeds) tweeted: Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #edtech #esl #efl #elt http://wp.me/pdHW0... http://bit.ly/etc0Dj 2011-02-04T00:27:17

@DDMiddens (Diane Vasseur) tweeted: RT @ShellTerrell: via @profesortbaker Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #edtech #esl ... http://bit.ly/ibeS7P #edchat 2011-02-03T23:51:43

@rliberni (Berni Wall) tweeted: RT @profesortbaker: Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #edtech #esl #efl #elt http://nblo.gs/dQIo5 2011-02-03T23:40:39

@profesortbaker (Thomas Baker) tweeted: Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #edtech #esl #efl #elt http://nblo.gs/dQIo5 2011-02-03T23:32:13

@profesorbaker (Thomas Baker) tweeted: Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #edtech #esl #efl #elt http://nblo.gs/dQIo5 2011-02-03T23:32:11

@profesortbaker (Thomas Baker) tweeted: Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #edtech #esl #efl #elt http://wp.me/pdHW0-ih 2011-02-03T23:31:52

@ShellTerrell (Shelly S Terrell) tweeted: via @profesortbaker Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #edtech #esl ... http://bit.ly/ibeS7P #edchat 2011-02-03T23:31:48

@Blog4Edu (Greta Shelly) tweeted: via @profesortbaker Unity is Strength: A Collaborative Writing Lesson Plan #CCK11 #ELTchat #edtech #esl ... http://bit.ly/ibeS7P #edchat 2011-02-03T23:31:48

@LeahGrrl (LeahGrrl) tweeted: @DaisyGrisolia Well yeah. But that wasn't the point of link for cck11 folks... 2011-02-03T22:58:19

@thbeth (thbeth) tweeted: #cck11 Percepção visual http://www.aber.ac.uk/media/Modules/MC10220/visper01.html 2011-02-03T22:01:15

@profesortbaker (Thomas Baker) tweeted: #CCK11 Connective Knowledge: http://t.co/QEuGkjO 2011-02-03T21:42:46

@profesortbaker (Thomas Baker) tweeted: RT @VanessaVaile: The #CCK11 Daily is out! http://bit.ly/e4FAOy ▸ Top stories today via @linngustavsson @jaapsoft @leahgrrl @hsitlia @graemeferris 2011-02-03T21:30:07

@VanessaVaile (VanessaVaile) tweeted: The #CCK11 Daily is out! http://bit.ly/e4FAOy ▸ Top stories today via @linngustavsson @jaapsoft @leahgrrl @hsitlia @graemeferris 2011-02-03T21:24:14

@larswas (Lars Was) tweeted: new #cck11 post at http://t.co/NbuH8tl about connectivity, chaos and freedom! Enjoy... 2011-02-03T21:10:36

@steelemaley (steelemaley) tweeted: @oldaily "E-Learning has been based on centralized systems.these centralized systems,such as the LMS, are like a dysfunctional crutch"#cck11 2011-02-03T20:37:54

@steelemaley (steelemaley) tweeted: Democratize, dynamize and desegregate learning.....slide 12-14 #cck11 2011-02-03T20:35:42

@DaisyGrisolia (Daisy Grisolia) tweeted: RT @graemeferris: New blog post "The Nature vs Nurture debate": http://bit.ly/dUAfYE #CCK11 2011-02-03T20:35:36

@DaisyGrisolia (Daisy Grisolia) tweeted: RT @thbeth: #cck11 construção de mapas - auto aprendizagem http://migre.me/3O158 2011-02-03T20:35:28

@steelemaley (steelemaley) tweeted: @oldaily points on "bundles" slide 10 line up with so many critiques of US "schooling" #cck11 2011-02-03T20:25:38

@steelemaley (steelemaley) tweeted: Who are your mediators in education? Do you need "gatekeepers"? #cck11 listening to http://bit.ly/hFzqNH 2011-02-03T20:22:55

@steelemaley (steelemaley) tweeted: Thinking about @oldaily "learning networks as resource v institution based" about "opening access and opening flow" #cck11 2011-02-03T20:12:17