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CCK11 Daily Newsletter

February 1, 2011

Facilitator Posts

To view the entire blog post, click on the title of the post, and you'll be taken to the blog post itself.

Networks, Neighbourhoods and Communities: A Reflection
Stephen Downes, Half an Hour, February 1, 2011.

So much discussion in the field of education is based in loosely defined terminology and concepts. Take, for example, the advice to 'form community'. There are many things this advice could be manifest as, including any of the three accounts of community given above, and a wide variety of other permutations. We can use network terminology to explain much more clearly complex phenomena such as instruction, communities and interaction. [Comment]

New Discussion Threads

Consider commenting on participant's blog post to create a new discussion here. To view the entire discussion thread, click on the title of the post, and you'll be taken to the blog post itself. Or view the list of all discussion threads.

Quadros III - Metáforas
maurazini, 1219 - lúcidaTranslúcida #CCK11, January 31, 2011.

I make some reflections.
For me, learning means a non-deterministic process, but even that is based on random connections of concepts.
That is to say that learning is a resident in the network seems a stretch to acceptable only as a provocation.
Since thought is the result and consequence of linguistic and since the blog, ie environments in which the web is basically a 'linguistic activity, even if only in writing environments are mostly preferred by adults, as you can think of in the future to preserve the thoughts of man?
Maura [Comment]

Notes from week one CCK11
Chris Jobling, 1073 - Jakten på den perfekta lektionen, January 31, 2011.

Lovely summary of your week's work as always Linn. [Comment]

Readers - a key ingredient in the #cck11 and Connectivism mix
Chris Jobling, 1099 - Connecting the Dots, January 31, 2011.

I'm also a fan of Google Reader but I'm afraid that I've got to a point where I have too many feeds to process. Tools like the feedly browser extension can help but I've never been that satisfied by the way it selects articles that it thinks I should read.

What is your favourite feed reader and how do you cope with the filtering problem? [Comment]


These are individual comments posted today to the discussion threads (for new discussion threads, see the list above).

Scott Johnson, Re: Understanding connectivism: some first thoughts, Hej Christina, Hoppas Google Translator är fö....
Scott Johnson, Re: Confusion - A Catalyst for Learning?, Hey Alicia, Nice reference to the Disrupting ....
vjansen, Re: Confusion - A Catalyst for Learning?, Disruptive innovations are likely the only way ....
dw2hite, Re: Introductions, Don White, January 31, 2011 I'm joining the ....
klwilcoxon, Re: Confusion - A Catalyst for Learning?, Great thought, Alicia. For me, two of the ....
aliciaparr, Re: Confusion - A Catalyst for Learning?, I'm going to take this opportunity to jump ....

Participants' Blog Posts

This is a list of the blog posts mentioning the CCK11 keyword or tag harvested from the list of blogs submitted by participants.
[Browse all Blog Posts]

#CCK11 Discourse and the networks
suifaijohnmak, Suifaijohnmak's Weblog
#CCK11 Interesting phenomena: networkers have now set up their own platforms for discourse, interacting & changing in different spaces (blogs/tweets/media) Credit: From Tony Hirst post on CCK Connection, Exploration, Participation, Interaction, Communication, Sharing, Curation, Aggregation, Criticism, Debates, Appreciation, Synthesis,  Evaluation, … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-02-01T00:06:03 [Comment]

CCK11 – Scholarship
ruthsexstone, rEflections
Martin Weller’s live presentation last week generated a lot of discussion regarding the nature and definition of scholarship and how scholarship is changed or needs to be redefined for the digital age. The questions that arose in the Martin Weller chat showed there was a lot of unclarity as to defining and recognising a ‘scholar’: [...] [Link] 2011-01-31T14:55:07 [Comment]

My experience so far
gabriela, redeflexiones
I skipped a week on publishing my thoughts, that’s because I have been having difficulties on organizing my time for “so much” to do in this course. So today’s reflection will go on my experience –so far- with the course and what I must do to keep in track.After orienting myself, I started on week 1 doing some personal study (one of the texts to read), writing my musings around it in here, and then, trying to search for the relationships. I wanted to do the network part. So trough .... [Link] 2011-01-31T20:57:00 [Comment]

Learning Networks and Connective Knowledge
, Stephanrinke's Favorite Links on cck11 from Diigo
Tags: connectivism learning networks theory [Link] [Comment]

Who is the bellwether in your social network? #cck11
jennieteacher@gmail.com (Jennie Scott-McKenzie), Schoolz and Toolz
Just before this #cck11 MOOC course started, I began reading a booked called Bellwether by Connie Willis. Talk about serendipity! The plot wove around two researchers brought together by chance (or... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] [Link] 2011-01-31T10:53:00 [Comment]

connective_knowledge.doc - Powered by Google Text & Tabellen
, Best content in CCK2011 | Diigo - Groups
Tags: connectivism, cck11by: Stephan [Link] 2011-01-31T19:48:57 [Comment]

Scott Thornbury Asked Two Questions: 1. Is TEFL Really a Profession? 2. Is Teaching Even a Profession? (#CCK11) (#ELTChat) (#sirken)
profesorbaker, Profesorbaker's Blog
Welcome to the debate. I can see the fire in your eyes, you’re ready to give your opinions, to share your facts, to state your truths. First, as in any good debate, we need to define our terms. Definitions are … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-01-31T19:29:16 [Comment]

Quadros III - Metáforas
T, lúcidaTranslúcida #CCK11
Ativações cerebraisAo finalizar a semana 2 #cck11, abordo o entendimento das ativações cerebrais, onde cada palavra em cada linguagem é definida em relação a um quadro, evocando um quadro semântico.Os "insights" cotidianos são a base do pensamento criativo, e através destes pensamentos mobilizamos uma possível união de idéias:Mapeamos as redes sociais para o entendimento de que a aprendizagem conectiva ocorre com o ato de distribuir, ao mesmo tempo que a nossa auto-aprendizagem .... [Link] 2011-01-31T17:34:00 [Comment]

CCK11 Is connectivism retroactive?
Mike Dillon, mikedillon1977
I have been catching up on the readings from the first couple of weeks of the CCK11 open course in addition to doing all of my readings for the Walden class that I am currently taking about learning theories and … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-01-31T05:37:13 [Comment]

Quadros (misturas) - II
T, lúcidaTranslúcida #CCK11
Dar continuidade a um tema complexo é muito difícil.MisturasInterrogo a mim mesma se este mesmo tema é importante, para que me proponha a escrever mais sobre ele. De qualquer modo foi proposto como texto da semana 2.#cck11Em meu post sobre Quadros, as minhas tentativas foram as de separar em cenários as situações comuns do ser humano em busca do conhecimento, através de uma socialização em processo evolutivo sempre dependente de um aprendizado.Não se pode esquecer a ampliação do .... [Link] 2011-01-31T01:49:00 [Comment]

Mapeamento e Padrões
T, lúcidaTranslúcida #CCK11
“The primacy of the connection – all other forms of learning flow from an initial connection to something – a person, a concept, and Idea.” Extraído do texto O que é Conectivismo.#CCK11Sempre é necessário, em um MOOC ou em qualquer estudo, um retorno aos textos anteriores para  possibilidades  conectivas.O fluxo das informações redistribuídas como prática conectivista, em cada um de nós, é como uma gota de água no mar da informação.Mas não só os padrões .... [Link] 2011-01-27T08:29:00 [Comment]

Multidireção e Multidimensão das Redes
T, lúcidaTranslúcida #CCK11
No quadro referente às teorias de Aprendizagem apresentado no # CCK11, durante a semana I, quanto ao Cognitivismo, considera-se que os Nós possibilitam a transferência (do que se deseja aprender) por intermédio do Social, Conceptual e Biológico.Os nós agem como catalisadores, através das suas conexões, ampliando o Cognitivo, via neurônios, em uma espécie de malha.Quando o autor cita a Teoria Ecológica, recordo a Teoria de Bromfrenbrenner em uma perspectiva contextual onde o indiví.... [Link] 2011-01-26T10:58:00 [Comment]

Fluxo com fusão, não é caos
T, lúcidaTranslúcida #CCK11
Ainda não houve tempo para aprofundar as leituras da semana 2 do CCK11.Mas necessitava escrever sobre algumas palavras:Fluxo, Fusão (melting) , mas assegurem-se de que não é confusão (caos), aprecio muito as possibilidades que as palavras nos oferecem para deslizar entre várias temáticas.O fluxo de informações auxilia na passagem de um estado a [Link] 2011-01-25T03:05:00 [Comment]

Impressões semana I (Week I)
T, lúcidaTranslúcida #CCK11
O blog tem o seu início a partir do desejo!Acompanhando as leituras, já efetuei postagens aleatórias de acordo com as minhas experiências.Impressões sobre a semana I  # CCK11Peguei o trem andando, uma boa frase segundo esta postagem.A primeira minha semana no MOOC – Massive Open Online Course #CCK11 estabeleceu-se entre os contatos com a @daisygrisolia  (colega de curso) e a minha indecisão  de participar formalmente ou informalmente, pois a aprendizagem se efetiva .... [Link] 2011-01-23T04:54:00 [Comment]

noreply@blogger.com (Reflective Leading), Reflective Leadings
Heady stuff this Connectivism CCK11 !Who knew I was going to revisit Behaviourism, Cognitivism, Constructivism and subsets thereof? So knew that undergrad Economics degree wasn't going to pay off!But funny things happen when you are intrinsically motivated to learn. You keep dialoguing, keep making meaning, keep reflecting on that meaning, and keep moving up that scaffolded ladder. I thought those behaviours embodied Constructivism, and that lovely ZPD.However, I agree with George Siemen&.... [Link] 2011-01-24T22:50:00 [Comment]

Week 1: Initial thoughts on Connnectivism?
, Networked Learning #CCK11
 And so to some initial thoughts on Connectivism and Connected learning.... the need to evaluate the worthiness of learning something is a meta-skill that is applied before learning itself begins; learning can happen outside ourselves; Quote: "Once you’ve found Waldo, you can’t unfind Waldo"; Connectivism is still a structure/framework. Does a networked structure imply online interaction?  No. However, if we are in a chaotic, complex and shifting .... [Link] 2011-01-23T19:00:00 [Comment]

#CCK11 Modelos de Conectividad. 2ª semana
, Media-lab.info
Como parte de los ejercicios de esta semana, había que buscar o realizar un diagrama de redes. Hace unos meses probé una aplicación que recogía y enlazaba los amigos de... [Link] [Comment]

#CCK11 2ª semana. Análisis de redes sociales
, Media-lab.info
Breve Introducción al Análisis de redes socialesartículo de Valdis Krebs.  En él se explica la relación entre los nodos y su posicionamiento en la red. Los nodos los constituyen las... [Link] [Comment]

#CCK11 1ª semana
, Media-lab.info
Esta semana que termina ha sido muy intensa y no he podido cumplir con mis propias expectativas de realizar una crónica diaria. Aquí vamos, tenemos una wiki que recoge el glosario... [Link] [Comment]

Slow starter, some connections #CCK11
davidjennings, Library of Aethers
I started the course four days late, and I’ve been using that as an excuse to go into catch-up/passive mode. That means being a vessel waiting to be filled up, just reading the readings and listening in on the live sessions. Which is very comfortable, but — I realise — not in keeping with the [...] [Link] 2011-01-28T16:38:39 [Comment]

Dogpaddling in CCK11
Katyroo, Katyroo
In the vast MOOC of CCK11 http://cck11.mooc.ca, trying to get a handle on Connectivism as a theory and as practice, I feel like I'm dogpaddling against the current. The gRSShopper comment/thread system is still a bit hard for me to navigate - I wind up replying to a whole herd of folks instead of the thread I intended to answer... perhaps with practice...But I may be getting just a bit closer to the other swimmers, as I've found the CCK11 Facebook group, where there are real people .... 2011-01-27T14:20:00 [Comment]

The problem with "free"
Verónica Vázquez Zentella, Con sabor educativo
CCK11It comes to my attention that nowadays, we often see the word “free” attached to courses, classes, lessons… in other words, learning… free learning…First, I would like to point out that not every free thing is worthy, and not every free thing is actually free… in the US you can find couches, clothes, and all kinds of appliances with the tag FREE on it, that “free” stands for: Take this off my lawn/yard/garage, I do not want it or need it anymore… but there is a cost that .... [Link] 2011-01-26T18:35:00 [Comment]

Background and initial impressions to my first MOOC
Graeme Ferris, Complex Learning
Just prior to Christmas I submitted my MSc dissertation entitled "Complexity Theory and Online Discussion Groups -Emergent Behaviours and Dynamics". The underlying premise of my dissertation rested on the idea that online discussion groups (or any discussion groups for that matter) are potentially complex adaptive systems, and with the same topic, each group can be dynamically very different from another group. Despite interventions by the tutor, some groups just seemed to take off and discuss .... [Link] 2011-01-24T19:24:00 [Comment]

CCK11: Network Anonymity
leahgrrl, Connexions
I’m familiar with network analysis, especially in social sciences research, so most of the concepts from Week 2 of CCK2011 made sense. Different words (nodes versus vertices) are used in different fields to describe the same basic ideas, and once I got a handle on that I was fine with the readings and discussion. In [...] [Link] 2011-01-31T15:25:49 [Comment]

#CCK11 eremiti elettronici iperconnessioni
serenaturri, serenaturri's Blog
Si è arrivati  alla conclusione della seconda settimana ed è tempo di sintesi, sono intenzionata perciò a ragionare sul tema oggetto di riflessione «Patterns of Connectivity» modelli di connessione. Mi sembra opportuno partire formulando la domanda  « che cosa  s’intende per connessione?» all’interrogativo altri se ne possono aggiungere: a) quali caratteristiche presentano le connessioni? b)  [...] [Link] 2011-01-28T16:10:20 [Comment]

Getting sorted
Judith Egger, base camp
OK, it's high time that I try and get sorted somehow. I've read a lot of stuff during the last two weeks or so and I think it would be useful to get some order into what I'm doing.What I've done up to now is browsing through cck11 material, like blogs of fellow participants, the reading material on the cck11 website, #cck11 tweets and so on. When I found a link, that I thought was interesting I followed it and often there were new interesting links, which I also followed. I .... [Link] 2011-01-31T10:42:00 [Comment]

ncldvd, Connectiquette
I was feeling somewhat overwhelmed after discovering the explosion of content that’s already occurred with regard to #cck11 since last week. Usually if you start a course a week late you just batten down and get stuck into the resources (…)Read the rest of this entry » [Link] 2011-01-26T14:05:43 [Comment]

#cck11 discovery
ncldvd, Connectiquette
I’ve just stumbled across #cck11 via a colleague’s post on Twitter. http://cck11.mooc.ca/ It’s an open, online course exploring Connectivism and Connective Knowledge in relation to teaching and learning. The syllabus states: “Connectivism and Connective knowledge will explore the concepts of (…)Read the rest of this entry » [Link] 2011-01-24T15:05:17 [Comment]

Use Linkedin to Collaborate with the Corporate World?
Zaid Ali Alsagoff, ZaidLearn
"While Facebook is a goldmine for connecting people and having social fun, Linkedin is the present and future goldmine for connecting students and ideas to the corporate world." - Zaid Ali Alsagoff Not that this is so exciting, but as universities around the world are striving to create industrial or corporate linkages, and explore innovative ways to connect their students and research projects with relevant companies, professionals and experts out there, Linkedin looks increasingly like a .... [Link] 2011-01-31T05:11:00 [Comment]

Twitter Posts

If you use the CCK11 tag on Twitter, your Twitter posts will be collected and listed here (note that harvesting only started Friday morning).

@ramoswarth (Miriam Ramos-Warth) tweeted: http://bit.ly/i8RoZ0 Ari Carr-Chellman: Gaming to re-engage boys in learning #cck11 2011-02-01T10:26:02

@nollytoenders (nollytoenders) tweeted: RT @nollytoenders: http://on.ted.com/8sbX Ari Carr-Chellman: Gaming to re-engage boys in learning #cck11 2011-02-01T10:23:08

@Gordon_L (Gordon_L) tweeted: @widged Merits & demerits of MOOCs etc - interesting discussion here: http://bit.ly/hsWS91 #cck11 2011-02-01T10:08:02

@niklas_karlsson (Niklas Karlsson) tweeted: RT @pipcleaves: #cck11 Mooc is out! http://bit.ly/gw7adE 2011-02-01T09:45:58

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: #cck11 Mooc is out! http://bit.ly/gw7adE 2011-02-01T09:04:17

@JaapSoft (Jaap Bosman) tweeted: Is kennis en informatie uitwisselen vergelijkbaar met postzegels ruilen? #cck11 2011-02-01T07:20:57

@livesofteachers (Darren Elliott) tweeted: Connectivism (learning theory) - Qwiki http://bit.ly/dSd34W (very cool tool) 2011-02-01T07:15:11

@CCK11Feeds (CCK11 Feeds) tweeted: RT @zaidlearn: 23 Educator Roles: An Imagined Interview With Stephen Downes (#CCK11): http://wp.me/pdHW0-hd <see... http://bit.ly/f2QtvQ 2011-02-01T05:49:19

@CCK11Feeds (CCK11 Feeds) tweeted: @DoremiGirl @Wrightstufmusic We were talking about network learning pedagogy re: @courosa and #cck11 http://cck1... http://bit.ly/ewOMIF 2011-02-01T05:49:19

@CCK11Feeds (CCK11 Feeds) tweeted: 23 Educator Roles: An Imagined Interview With Stephen Downes (#CCK11): http://t.co/PJotGzB Prof. Baker use Xtran... http://bit.ly/e8dDUh 2011-02-01T05:49:19

@CCK11Feeds (CCK11 Feeds) tweeted: RT @ianchia: Brave new world. Check out @courosa' Reform Symposium keynote #cck11 #musedchat - Got a link?: RT @... http://bit.ly/hHqwMM 2011-02-01T05:49:19

@ajh432 (Andrea Hall) tweeted: RT @zaidlearn: 23 Educator Roles: An Imagined Interview With Stephen Downes (#CCK11): http://wp.me/pdHW0-hd <see the vid- love it! 2011-02-01T04:34:16

@ianchia (Ian Chia) tweeted: @mathiaspoulsen @smgrimes So... what if we could take http://j.mp/hMmENd & put it into #gbl? Build emedia literacy in as part of #cck11 2011-02-01T04:06:04

@ianchia (Ian Chia) tweeted: @DoremiGirl @Wrightstufmusic We were talking about network learning pedagogy re: @courosa and #cck11 http://cck11.mooc.ca/ Sketching it out. 2011-02-01T03:30:35

@zaidlearn (Zaid Ali Alsagoff) tweeted: 23 Educator Roles: An Imagined Interview With Stephen Downes (#CCK11): http://t.co/PJotGzB Prof. Baker use Xtranormal for that...Awesome :) 2011-02-01T03:14:12

@Wrightstufmusic (Samuel) tweeted: RT @ianchia: Brave new world. Check out @courosa' Reform Symposium keynote #cck11 #musedchat - Got a link? 2011-02-01T02:05:07

@ianchia (Ian Chia) tweeted: @Wrightstufmusic Brave new world. Check out @courosa' Reform Symposium keynote for network learning and #cck11 #musedchat 2011-02-01T02:02:56

@NewFacMajority (New Faculty Majority) tweeted: Digital Scholar in #HASTAC, #catinstack answers question, why teach? http://bit.ly/i1FqXV | #cck11 #evomlit #LAK11 #connectivism 2011-02-01T01:48:53

@brochefort (brochefort) tweeted: Connectivism glossary http://www.connectivism.ca/?p=303 #edu7271 #edu6407 2011-02-01T01:39:18

@hamtra (Tracy Parish) tweeted: RT @CCK11Feeds: 10 Ways to Archive Your Tweets: http://rww.to/25fZU #Twitter #CCK11: 10 Ways to Archive Your Tweets: http://rww.... http://bit.ly/fsYvi7 2011-02-01T00:55:12

@nollytoenders (nollytoenders) tweeted: RT @nollytoenders: http://on.ted.com/8sbX Ari Carr-Chellman: Gaming to re-engage boys in learning #cck11 2011-02-01T00:52:25

@MoodleMcKean (Paul McKean) tweeted: RT @MoodleMcKean: 23 Educator Roles: An Imagined Interview With Stephen Downes (#CCK11) | Profesorbaker's Blog http://bit.ly/h25BkS #edchat #online #elearning 2011-02-01T00:51:36

@hamtra (Tracy Parish) tweeted: 23 Educator Roles: An Imagined Interview With Stephen Downes (#CCK11): http://t.co/PJotGzB (ingenious way to summarize an article) 2011-02-01T00:48:00

@MoodleMcKean (Paul McKean) tweeted: 23 Educator Roles: An Imagined Interview With Stephen Downes (#CCK11) | Profesorbaker's Blog http://bit.ly/h25BkS #edchat #online #elearning 2011-02-01T00:17:43

@suifaijohnmak (suifaijohnmak) tweeted: #CCK11 Are you on the radar? http://bit.ly/hN0hGF Is power and control decentralised in CCK? 2011-02-01T00:14:52

@suifaijohnmak (suifaijohnmak) tweeted: #CCK11 Interesting phenomena: networkers have now set up their own platforms for discourse, interacting & changing in diff spaces (blogs/tw) 2011-01-31T23:29:59

@LinnGustavsson (Linn Gustavsson) tweeted: http://todaysmeet.com/cck11 #cck11 2011-01-31T23:19:20

@suifaijohnmak (suifaijohnmak) tweeted: Discourse on: Can we explain with no linguistic or propositional characteristics http://bit.ly/hQdHzN Your comments welcome CCK11 2011-01-31T23:06:10

@hamtra (Tracy Parish) tweeted: Tags Associated With Other Tags on Delicious http://t.co/BL5E6kz #cck11 #lrnchat (intersting that the nodes help you understand the tag) 2011-01-31T22:21:03

@hurleyinchina (Eileen Hurley) tweeted: RT @jennieteacher: Who is the bellwether in your social network? #cck11 #edchat http://bit.ly/fK42lK #elearning 2011-01-31T21:53:28

@profesortbaker (Thomas Baker) tweeted: The Jan 31 #CCK11 Daily is out! http://t.co/Gm7rICt by @MoodleMcKean @rdlln @thbeth @profesorbaker @blog4edu @frederic_dufour @jaapsoft 2011-01-31T21:50:28

@VanessaVaile (VanessaVaile) tweeted: The #CCK11 Daily is out! http://bit.ly/gFaoPR ▸ Top stories today by @profesorbaker @gillianp @thbeth 2011-01-31T21:24:21

@nnmrht (Annemarie) tweeted: RT @JaapSoft: http://bit.ly/eYtDBN Canon of knowledge, testing and Rhizomatic education #cck11 2011-01-31T21:13:29

@JaapSoft (Jaap Bosman) tweeted: http://bit.ly/eYtDBN Canon of knowledge, testing and Rhizomatic education #cck11 2011-01-31T21:09:53

@juandoming (juandoming) tweeted: RT @gainerj: elearnspace › Connectivism & Constructivism: PLENK 2010 http://bit.ly/bBD5xi 2011-01-31T20:50:57

@ryantracey (Ryan Tracey) tweeted: RT @profesortbaker: The new #cck11 MOOC is out! http://t.co/bIOmJut posts by @jaapsoft @ryantracey @Downes @profesorbaker @wgreller @blog4edu @erikaosvath 2011-01-31T20:49:24

@AlexandraKouk (A. Koukoumialou) tweeted: RT @ShellTerrell: via @profesortbaker Scott Thornbury Asked 2 Questions: 1. Is TEFL rlly a Profession? 2. Is Teachi... http://bit.ly/eBuvEV 2011-01-31T20:15:54

@SocialGardens (Therese Weel) tweeted: Thomas Vander Wal.: Social Comfort Presentation #cck11 http://slidesha.re/b9VaMA 2011-01-31T19:58:53

@mattiaskareld (Mattias Kareld) tweeted: Mentionmap, an interesting tool to visualize your Twitter connections: http://bit.ly/3jUdQg #cck11 2011-01-31T19:58:48

@ELTExperiences (Martin Sketchley) tweeted: RT @Blog4Edu: via @profesortbaker Scott Thornbury Asked Two Questions: 1. Is TEFL Really a Profession? 2. Is Teachi... http://bit.ly/eBuvEV #edchat 2011-01-31T19:52:53

@DmJapan (Thanasis Karavasilis) tweeted: RT @@ShellTerrell via @profesortbaker Scott Thornbury Asked Two Questions:1. Is TEFL Really a Profession?2. Is Teachi.. http://bit.ly/eBuvEV 2011-01-31T19:39:26

@ekamin (Esra Girgin Akiskali) tweeted: RT @Blog4Edu: via @profesortbaker Scott Thornbury Asked Two Questions: 1. Is TEFL Really a Profession? 2. Is Teachi... http://bit.ly/eBuvEV #edchat 2011-01-31T19:34:28

@ShellTerrell (Shelly S Terrell) tweeted: via @profesortbaker Scott Thornbury Asked Two Questions: 1. Is TEFL Really a Profession? 2. Is Teachi... http://bit.ly/eBuvEV #edchat 2011-01-31T19:30:11

@jennieteacher (jennieteacher) tweeted: Who is the bellwether in your social network? #cck11 #edchat http://bit.ly/fK42lK #elearning 2011-01-31T19:11:26

@swedinbalchik (Jonas Backelin) tweeted: The concept of 'learning' are best understood as functions applied to a distributed representation (#CCK11) 2011-01-31T18:50:08

@Cybrarijen (Jennifer Odau) tweeted: Encouraging teachers to use technology and teach with Connectivism! -- A Vision of K-12 Students Today http://t.co/UzDhlIo via @youtube 2011-01-31T18:05:05

@CCK11Feeds (CCK11 Feeds) tweeted: #cck11 finalizando a semana 2 http://migre.me/3MGjc: #cck11 finalizando a semana 2 http://migre.me/3MGjc http://bit.ly/eW3DmS 2011-01-31T18:04:24

@CCK11Feeds (CCK11 Feeds) tweeted: RT @thbeth: #cck11 Semântica Frame http://migre.me/3MEPw: RT @thbeth: #cck11 Semântica Frame http://migre.me/3MEPw http://bit.ly/hqLi6l 2011-01-31T18:04:23

@CCK11Feeds (CCK11 Feeds) tweeted: #cck11 Semântica Frame http://migre.me/3MEPw: #cck11 Semântica Frame http://migre.me/3MEPw http://bit.ly/g7MNsS 2011-01-31T18:04:23

@CCK11Feeds (CCK11 Feeds) tweeted: #cck11 http://www.networkcultures.org/networktheory/: #cck11 http://www.networkcultures.org/networktheory/ http://bit.ly/i42OgT 2011-01-31T18:04:22