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CCK11 Daily Newsletter

January 24, 2011

Week 2 - Patterns of Connectivity

Dates: January 24 - 31, 2011

Unfortunately, it's difficult to find a comprehensive introductory resource detailing structures of networks online. Many excellent articles exist...but are behind pay walls. (If you have access and are interested in exploring, start with Barabasi, Watts, Granovetter). The articles listed below will provide a bit of an introduction. We will go into greater depth during our live discussion this week (time to be posted). During the live session, we will explore in greater detail terms such as: strong/weak ties, hubs, scale-free networks, small worlds, centrality, etc.


- Valdis Krebs , Short Introduction to social network analysis
- Wikipedia, Network science
- Stephen Downes: Learning Networks: Theory and Practice .ppt and audio.
- Barry Wellman, Networks for Newbies .ppt
- George Lakoff, Idea Framing, Metaphors, and Your Brain


Wednesday: Live Session: Location: Elluminate

Martin Weller: The New Scholarship
Time: 7:30 pm, London, 12:30 pm Mountain Time: See time zone conversions to different regions here

Friday: Live Session: Location: Elluminate Facilitator's discussion. Time:8:00 p.m. Moscow; 5:00 p.m. London; 12 noon New York; 9:00 a.m. Los Angeles; midnight Saturday Beijing


1. Network terms and related concepts

This week provides a foundation for many of the terms that we will continue to visit in this course. Network-related concepts are evident everywhere: medicine (how a virus spreads), information flow in society, connectedness and influence in social networks. A basic level of network literacy is important for any member of society.

As part of your activity this week, spend time looking for network terms and related concepts. Tag resources that you encounter with CCK11 on Delicious, Diigo, or post listings on your blog. We will use this list to collaboratively create a network-term glossary toward the end of the week.

2. Network diagrams

Find disgrams of networks (eg., the network of the sciences, the network of songs on last.fm, community networks, etc). Here are some examples of network diagrams. Post your diagrams (or links to them) in Delicious, Diigo, or on your blog.

Facilitator Posts

To view the entire blog post, click on the title of the post, and you'll be taken to the blog post itself.

New Discussion Threads

Consider commenting on participant's blog post to create a new discussion here. To view the entire discussion thread, click on the title of the post, and you'll be taken to the blog post itself. Or view the list of all discussion threads.

Understanding connectivism: some first thoughts
Christina1, 1093 - [Leitha] delves into eLearning, January 24, 2011.

Börjar nu förstå mer vad konnektivism innebär , jag fastnade för "att kunna välja vad man ska lära sig och betydelsen av inkommande information ses genom linsen en skiftande verklighet. Medan det finns en rätt svar nu, kan det vara fel i morgon på grund av förändringar i informationen klimatet påverkar beslutet". Detta ställer sig som viktiga frågor för mig som lärare för studerande som ska arbeta inom sjukvården där man ska arbeta efter vetenskap och beprövad erfarenhet. Då måste vi lära våra studerande att veta var de kan hitta ny information eftersom det de gjorde igår kan vara fel imorgon med ny kunskap. Många vuxenstuderande har redan bestämt sig för vilket område de vill arbeta med i framtiden men att veta vad man ska lära sig är svårt tror jag, en del saknar morivation o kanske inte är så intresserade medan andra mycket väl kan själva ansvara att välja vad man ska lära sig.
Christina [Comment]

A MOOC? Can you eat it? And how do you cook it?
Nina F Collins, 1136 - One step beyond, January 21, 2011.

Your post resonated with me. When I mentioned I was doing a MOOC, someone asked if it was a new keep-fit craze. I also found the fairly unstructured model of CCK11 slightly confusing. However, I'm getting to grips with it! [Comment]


These are individual comments posted today to the discussion threads (for new discussion threads, see the list above).

Thomas Steele-Maley, Re: Introductions, Hello all my name is Thomas Steele-Maley. I ....
carol yeager, Re: Introductions, Greetings from the East Coast of the US. I am ....
anansi, Re: Introductions, Hello form Warsaw, Poland! My name is Agnieszka ....
Scott Johnson, Re: Confusion - A Catalyst for Learning?, Have to agree with klwilcoxon that willingness ....
fryed, Re: Introductions, Good evening! What a diverse group! I am a ....
klwilcoxon, Re: Confusion - A Catalyst for Learning?, BrainySmurf - I agree with your comments overall,....
JavierP, Re: Introductions, Hi all, My name is Javier and I live in Colombia,....
zapotepetl, Re: Free Yourself, Thanks for this!! :-) (and for the glosary link) ....
cassioribeiro, Re: Introductions, Hello, I´m Cássio, from São Paulo, Brasil. It....
cassioribeiro, Re: Introductions, Hello, I´m Cássio, from São Paulo, Brasil. It....
cassioribeiro, Connectivism and another educational theories, Model and demonstrate, to teach Practice and ....
leadchangeagent, Re: Introductions, Mohsen "In my dissertation research I am ....
JaneChandler, Re: Introductions, Hi I'm Jane, I work at the University of ....
judithm, Re: Introductions, Hello - I'm Judith from Northumberland in ....
Kristi Broom, Re: CCK11: Having a thought you can't not think, I think your comments speak to the correlation ....
BrainySmurf, Re: Confusion - A Catalyst for Learning?, Agreed, this post creates a very useful ....

Participants' Blog Posts

This is a list of the blog posts mentioning the CCK11 keyword or tag harvested from the list of blogs submitted by participants. [Browse all Blog Posts]

CCK11: “Discovering” connections?
leahgrrl, Connexions
The basic premise of connectivism—”knowledge is distributed across a network of connections [and] learning consists of the ability to construct and traverse those networks” (Downes 2007)—makes perfect sense to me, especially in the world of the Internet and smartphones and all those other gadgets within the “nebulous enivronments of shifting core elements” (Siemens 2005) that [...] [Link] 2011-01-24T13:58:02 [Comment]

Playing the Curator with #cck11
, Connecting the Dots
Today I have been playing with 2 tools that may help to develop a network of aggregation for myself, others in this course, and The World in general. I hope you might add them to your RSS Reader / Aggregator and enjoy them too.   The first Tool: Scoop.it Scoop.it Page:  #cck11 Scoop.it Scoop.it allows yout o gather information on a topic, curate it and add it to a 'feeder page'. It looks a little different to that I have used before, so I am looking forward to .... [Link] 2011-01-24T04:32:00 [Comment]

It's not as separate as it sounds: The power of networks #CCK11
We’ve probably all gotten a chuckle or two out of the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon jokes. Well, at least those of us old enough to start humming the song Footloose when we see his name get some laughs... The organization Six Degrees has even put this humor to good use in raising money for causes using Kevin Bacon’s connective abilities. I’m taking this class on connectivism, which is an emerging learning theory. Advocates describe that, “At its heart, .... [Link] 2011-01-24T05:00:00 [Comment]

Connectivism and the modern learner « E-Learning Provocateur
, Best content in CCK2011 | Diigo - Groups
Comments:I thought this was a really good article and explained things well. - Damien ClarkHighlights and Sticky Notes:I must admit that I struggled with some of the basic concepts when I first read Siemens’ paper, and I found the lack of practical examples frustrating.I too find George's work difficult to understand without examples. Ryan's blog post certainly helps me to better understand the concepts involved. - Damien ClarkTags: cck11, constructivism, georgesiemensby: Damien .... [Link] 2011-01-24T04:56:13 [Comment]

Eleven: Could You Please Repeat That? #CCK11
profesorbaker, Profesorbaker's Blog
#CCK11. Eleven. Here’s the situation: You’re in a strange country. You and a friend walk into an elevator. Both of you want to go to the eleventh floor. The elevator doors close behind you. Only then do you discover that … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-01-24T02:52:57 [Comment]

WEEK 2: Networks, Frames & Metaphors (#CCK11)
profesorbaker, Profesorbaker's Blog
#CCK11 begins week 2. This week promises to be very beneficial for me as a teacher of English. We’ll be working with the concepts of networks, frames, and metaphors, among others. Already, I’ve looked at two Power Point files about … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-01-24T00:54:35 [Comment]

Notes from week one CCK11
Linn, Jakten på den perfekta lektionen
[Link] 2011-01-24T01:17:00 [Comment]

Concept Map at the End of Week 1 - #CCK11
hamtra@gmail.com (Tracy Parish), Discovery Through eLearning
I've been working on a concept map of what I learn or gather in regards to my activity within the CCK11 (Connectivism and Connected Knowledge).  I've been using the PersonalBrain tool to gather together all blogs I read and the posts that I read within them, twitter feeds and the links I follow from them, daily feeds and the links to blogs, videos, images, etc from them as well.  Basically anything I read, watch, or interact with during this course I'm capturing .... [Link] 2011-01-23T17:45:00 [Comment]

CCK11- Quest for Meaning
noreply@blogger.com (William), Creatividad e Inspiración Al día
We keep on looking for meaning on the question "learning is in the connexions" and found this excellent video on the networked student. Little by little we are coming to terms with the idea that learning (more than knowledge) is in the [Link] 2011-01-23T14:02:00 [Comment]

Juggling with Connectivism: CCK11 Week 1
gbl55, Connection not Content
Connectivism has much to offer as a new perspective on learning and I’m pleased and excited to be one small node in the CCK11 MOOC.  However, I find some of the phraseology a little jarring and I’m unsure whether this is because some of the concepts are perhaps overstated in odd ways but are in [...] [Link] 2011-01-23T12:35:37 [Comment]

Readers - a key ingredient in the #cck11 and Connectivism mix
, Connecting the Dots
I love my reader, yep, I really do. It makes life efficient, it keeps me learning and it gives me new ideas. Since I set up my reader about 9 months ago, I find myself reading, learning and thinking more and more. What is a Reader? It is a way to make the internet work for you, to bring updates from your favourite sites, or interest areas to you. A way to make new connections and build new linkages in areas you may not have considered. Below is an awesome explanation by Google: My .... [Link] 2011-01-23T02:58:00 [Comment]

Questions on connectivism #cck11
jaapsoft2, connectiv
Question regarding connectivism: How are connectivism and co-design and co-creation related? How is connectivism in education and schools related to assessment and [Link] 2011-01-23T09:10:13 [Comment]

This is heavy, Doc! …..Understanding Connectivism
, Flight Path
The past week has marked my first in the CCK11: Connectivism & Connective Knowledge course. As the post title suggests, in the words of Marty McFly in the Back to the Future trilogy, the theory is “heavy”; that was my first impression as I worked my way through the readings and listened to the Elluminate [...] [Link] [Comment]

“Explain It To Me Like I’m An 8 Year Old”: Can You Do It In 100 Words? (#CCK11)
profesorbaker, Profesorbaker's Blog
Explain it to me like I’m an 8-year-old. Stephen accomplished this feat by simplifying the vocabulary he used. If we recall, these are the words he used: Stephen: (paraphrased) You are 8 years old. You learn from your friends. Do … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-01-23T06:20:26 [Comment]

CCK11 - Great Learning Happens in Groups
noreply@blogger.com (William), Creatividad e Inspiración Al día
The first week of CCK11 is almost over, and this week we were given a series of  readings (in the web) and videos and a couple of live presentations in Elluminate (1st and 2nd).  The course is devised and  set up so as to demonstrate that knowledge is in the connexions (a vivid demonstration of the theory).I must confess, I'm a little confuse. I am illiterate in any learning theory, but, as of this week I sort of intuit that there may be many different ways of learning and .... [Link] 2011-01-23T00:26:00 [Comment]

CCK11: A Reflection on Week One
Thomas Steele-Maley, steelemaley.net » #CCK11
I have been following George Siemens and Stephen Downes for two years now. After an attempted CCK10, my participation in CCK11 is fulfilling a need in my life and learning. At times I look at the projects I am undertaking and the interests I have and want to chide myself using some institutional diatribe about [...] [Link] 2011-01-22T22:17:44 [Comment]

Connections and CCK11: Movement for a New Learning Ecology
Thomas Steele-Maley, steelemaley.net » #CCK11
The global education system can change. Indeed it must if we are to collectively imagine (or image) and act in defense of our interdependent and declining systems: social, environmental and economic (see Boulding, E. 1988; Catton, W. R. ,1980; McKibben, B. 2010). How we choose to connect in this imaging of new spaces has for [...] [Link] 2011-01-22T19:59:46 [Comment]

“Explain It To Me Like I’m An 8-Year-Old”: Connectivism and Connected Knowledge (#CCK11)
profesorbaker, Profesorbaker's Blog
Wow! The facilitator’s session was extraordinary. It was rich in content and interaction between facilitator(s) and participant(s). But let me quickly explain my absence in order to avoid the charge of hypocritical behaviour, namely, announcing loudly to the world that … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-01-22T18:43:04 [Comment]

Networked student - 10 Translation(s) | dotSUB
, Stephanrinke's Favorite Links on cck11 from Diigo
The Networked Student was inspired by CCK08, a Connectivism course offered by George Siemens and Stephen Downes during fall 2008. It depicts an actual project completed by Wendy Drexler's high school students. The Networked Student concept map was inspired by Alec Couros' Networked Teacher. Tags: cck11 cck11read video connectivism .... [Link] [Comment]

CCK11 - Keeping Track, Thoughts and Stuff...: Connectivism in Action (#CCK11)
, Best content in CCK2011 | Diigo - Groups
Tags: cck11, cck11read, connectivism, example, cooperationby: [Link] 2011-01-22T16:43:19 [Comment]

Reverse Instruction: Dan Pink and Karl’s “Fisch Flip” | Connected Principals
, Stephanrinke's Favorite Links on cck11 from Diigo
Reverse Instruction: Dan Pink and Karl’s “Fisch Flip” Annotations: Fisch has flipped the sequence. recorded on video and uploaded them to YouTube for his 28 students to watch at home in .... [Link] [Comment]

(#sirken) An Imagined Interview With Joe Bower – Sir Ken Robinson Blogathon:Calling All Bloggers #CCK11
profesorbaker, Profesorbaker's Blog
This post is my submission as part of the Calling All Bloggers: Sir Ken Robinson Blogathon via @joebower. First things first: What’s all this about? Let’s do an imagined interview with Joe Bower (in which we quote his words) , … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-01-22T13:54:20 [Comment]

Summary of the main didactic approach
da.lu, Research Issues on Connectivism and Connected Learning
from G. Siemens notes Filed under: CCK11 schema [Link] 2011-01-22T12:44:55 [Comment]

Buck Institute for Education | Project Based Learning
, Best content in CCK2011 | Diigo - Groups
Comments:Check out my thought about it in my blog: http://larswas.wordpress.com (post: "Project education") - Lars WasHighlights and Sticky Notes:In Project Based Learning (PBL), students go through an extended process of inquiry in response to a complex question, problem, or challenge. Rigorous projects help students learn key academic content and practice 21st Century Skills (such as collaboration, communication & critical thinking).Tags: education, learning, projects, cck11by: Lars [Link] 2011-01-22T13:07:05 [Comment]

This is how I understand Connectivism at the moment CCK11
Linn, Jakten på den perfekta lektionen
The flow of information and news is fast nowadays, 24 hour a dayImpossible to store on hard-disk or in brain, risk of overheating!!To follow and learn without overheating, you need extended memories. Twitter might work like an extended short time memory (what was I thought about/read this morning?) and blog and Facebook might work like an extended long time memory (to remember something three months ago).Since Twitter, Facebook and Blogs are social medias, your memories optimal .... [Link] 2011-01-22T11:43:00 [Comment]

Connectivism and Instructional Design: Paddling Against the Current
noreply@blogger.com (Murray), Musings on e-training
Our first week of CCK11 has introduced Connectivism and the idea that the content of the curriculum can't  be defined in advance. As an instructional designer, I am challenged by that assertion.My current conception of ID is that we continue to define and develop content, concepts and learning activities in containers variously called modules, courses or training events with more or less distinct boundaries and with varying degrees of specificity. What has changed is that content has .... [Link] 2011-01-22T01:08:00 [Comment]

CCK11 Week 1
Lars Was, eConnections
So, the first week has ended today, with the facilitators discussion on Eluminate. This first week was all about what connectivism is. Also finding out how this course works, meeting other people and insights (building your network) and reading the suggested list, we got to know the course and people in it a bit better… [...] [Link] 2011-01-22T01:51:10 [Comment]

Thinking about this first week - #CCK11
noreply@blogger.com (DaisyGrisolia), MOOC1 _ Massive Online Open Course
WOW - So fast! The first week is already finished...The initial confusion and fear are disappearing.Gradually they are being replaced by increased curiosity and a certain feeling of euphoria, desire to do more, explore more, to cross new frontiers. From the initial chaos seems to emerge a pattern of order. And it is a beautiful .... [Link] 2011-01-21T23:18:00 [Comment]

Notes and Reflections on CCK11 Week 1
kristibroom, Learning About Learning
The first week of CCK11 was a foundational week, to understand how the course will work, set some targets, and build a foundation for Connectivism. In this post, I’ve selected some key points from various resources in an attempt to make sense for myself. I welcome any feedback or corrections. One of the distinguishing characteristics [...] [Link] 2011-01-21T21:04:31 [Comment]

#CCK11 OPML file breakaway
x28, x28's new Blog » CCK11
“If something is missing, create it.” OK, the feeds starting with L through Z are missing in the OPML file offered here, so I assembled them here: opml2.xml  (from http://cck11.mooc.ca/feeds.htm, which still carries the old “Plenk” heading and leads to the Plenk OPML). I am not sure if the extra confusion around RSS is just a mistake, [...] [Link] 2011-01-21T20:46:42 [Comment]

Would you like a bag of gold?
jennieteacher@gmail.com (Jennie Scott-McKenzie), Schoolz and Toolz
This is FUNNY for techies trying to get others to see the value. I think Gardener is talking about rolling out their LMS.  #CCK11 [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] [Link] 2011-01-21T10:52:00 [Comment]

Second Connection
abdullahsaykili@gmail.com (Abdullah SAYKILI), CCK11 - Abdullah's Open Window
Here is a video on one of the questions that were asked in the live session [Link] 2011-01-21T19:49:00 [Comment]

Feed it Forward: Share (#CCK11)
profesorbaker, Profesorbaker's Blog
Hi. I am writing because I have interacted with a fellow participant of the #CCK11 course, Connectivism and Connected Knowledge 2011. I immediately recognized connectivism as a learning theory that suited my personal learning habits. I am a self-directed, autonomous … Continue reading → [Link] 2011-01-21T18:55:05 [Comment]

Talking with George Siemens and Stephen Downes - CCK11 (week 1)
hamtra@gmail.com (Tracy Parish), Discovery Through eLearning
NOTES FROM: First Facilitator Session - Review of Readings  http://cck11.mooc.ca/week1.htm - "The Stephen and George Linkfest" From George's first paper: Connected specialization - "Store my knowledge in my friends".  I might not know how to do something, but I know who to call (connect to) that does have the answer. Does Connectivisim entirely change the notion of expertise? - Stu Harris (cck11) George's reply - a significant influence for sure. What is the .... [Link] 2011-01-21T18:02:00 [Comment]

Semantic Contiuum
, Best content in CCK2011 | Diigo - Groups
Comments:(My note from Elluminate session on Friday - Week 1)I don't see connectivism at war with constructivism - I see it on a semantic continuum.  Constructivists create their own meaning, connectivists  interpret patterns, but the individual must "see it". Constructivist requires a group of people to be social with (a network), Connectivist grows a network. Knowledge transfers through social interactions for constructivists, and knowledge grows through adding .... [Link] 2011-01-21T18:08:01 [Comment]

Learning Theories Chart_Week1
, Best content in CCK2011 | Diigo - Groups
Highlights and Sticky Notes:1703323-59727938Tags: #CCK11by: [Link] 2011-01-21T18:06:20 [Comment]

Connectivism Glossary « Connectivism
, Best content in CCK2011 | Diigo - Groups
Tags: cck11, connectivism, glossary, wiki, elearningby: Larry [Link] 2011-01-21T17:12:01 [Comment]

First Connection
abdullahsaykili@gmail.com (Abdullah SAYKILI), CCK11 - Abdullah's Open Window
This was the first time we connected on a live session. This is my second MOOC and sometimes I feel a bit lost about what to follow because there are so many things that people have been sharing about CCK11. Because the course itself is not a centralized one, and all the sources (let's say knowledge) is distributed accross a wide range of environments it's like jumping from one branch of a tree to another. However, I feel that this chaotic nature of this course shows the true .... [Link] 2011-01-21T14:27:00 [Comment]

Twitter Posts

If you use the CCK11 tag on Twitter, your Twitter posts will be collected and listed here (note that harvesting only started Friday morning).

@thbeth (thbeth) tweeted: RT @DaisyGrisolia: @deborasebriam Estar conectado é bom mesmoNeste curso #CCK11 estou encontrando gente com muitos pontos de convergência e grandes questões! 2011-01-24T14:41:28

@hamtra (Tracy Parish) tweeted: Joining in #CCK11? Are you on the list yet? If not let me know. http://bit.ly/ibvxAk Easy way to follow everyone in the class. 2011-01-24T14:39:46

@sahana2802 (Sahana Chattopadhyay) tweeted: #cck11 via @scoopit http://t.co/cpkDPAP | Various posts, videos and other artifacts on Connectivism 2011-01-24T14:39:44

@thbeth (thbeth) tweeted: #cck11 goooooood! http://webbrain.com/u/11wu 2011-01-24T14:37:35

@steelemaley (steelemaley) tweeted: #cck11, found http://bit.ly/gGbKR8 information.... 2011-01-24T14:24:39

@r20_blogroll (Ryan's blogroll) tweeted: eLLearning: Concept Map at the End of Week 1 - #CCK11: I've been working on a concept map of what I learn or gat... http://bit.ly/hT3vUP 2011-01-24T14:23:25

@e_learningaudio (e-Learning Audio) tweeted: RT: elearning: Concept Map at the End of Week 1 - #CCK11: I've been working on a concept map of what... http://bit.ly/fLKi9n #e-learning 2011-01-24T14:23:25

@steelemaley (steelemaley) tweeted: Can someone participating in #cck11 give me the link to the blog bundle for google reader mentioned in Fridays session, thank you. 2011-01-24T14:11:15

@albezln (Alberto Beccaris) tweeted: RT @elearningposts: #CCK11: Connectivism-MindMap http://bit.ly/ihUDIJ 2011-01-24T14:05:04

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: CCK11 - Blogspot via @scoopit http://bit.ly/emF5jQ 2011-01-24T12:13:25

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: Musings on e-training: Connectivism and Instructional Design ... via @scoopit http://bit.ly/epNS5d 2011-01-24T12:13:13

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: #CCK11: Week 1 Highlights - Connectivisim Defined via @scoopit http://bit.ly/dJoixZ 2011-01-24T12:12:56

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: @Ignatia Webs: CCK11 #Connectivism and Connected #Knowledge, join it starts today! via @scoopit via @fboss http://bit.ly/g6p3wn 2011-01-24T12:12:35

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: Imperatives of Connectivism: Connected Specialization & 'Bridging ... via @scoopit http://bit.ly/f3aC8a 2011-01-24T12:12:12

@marieiram (marieiram) tweeted: @bewildergirl i'd say connectivism is most important point: empowering students to take control of learning, build networks, find resources. 2011-01-24T12:11:38

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: Complex and complicated « connectiv via @scoopit via @JaapSoft http://bit.ly/e2xAHr 2011-01-24T12:11:28

@suifaijohnmak (suifaijohnmak) tweeted: @LinnGustavsson Stephen explained connectivism in Facilitators' Session (check the Friday recording) - the last 15 minutes. 2011-01-24T12:58:39

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: New Post: Playing the Curator in #cck11: http://bit.ly/eeuPHK 2011-01-24T12:49:38

@LinnGustavsson (Linn Gustavsson) tweeted: Quora topic: CCK11 http://qr.ae/H8Oy 2011-01-24T12:32:15

@ViktorMarkowski (Viktor Markowski) tweeted: http://t.co/YdeEi4E via @scoopit via @ViktorMarkowski http://t.co/ik742Kl 2011-01-24T12:17:35

@Lianesod (Liane Sousa) tweeted: RT @ShellTerrell: George Siemens/Stephen Downes Connectivism & Connective Knowledge open course http://j.mp/fviGZR #cck11 via @ianchia 2011-01-24T12:15:37

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: a question and an answer on connectivism via @scoopit http://bit.ly/hiUL01 2011-01-24T12:15:17

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: Daily Newspaper for #cck11 - Connecting the Dots via @scoopit http://bit.ly/hyaFaP 2011-01-24T12:14:30

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: Discovery Through eLearning: Talking with George Siemens and ... via @scoopit http://bit.ly/hiojAi 2011-01-24T12:14:05

@sahana2802 (Sahana Chattopadhyay) tweeted: RT @elearningposts: Concept Map at the End of Week 1 - #CCK11 http://bit.ly/gzqylD | Awesome one by @hamtra Going to try the tool. 2011-01-24T11:16:05

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: @torkee its quite nice...its a project based learning exercise in learning connectivism #cck11 so nice to be a learner ATM 2011-01-24T11:00:55

@elearningPosts (eLearning Learning) tweeted: Concept Map at the End of Week 1 - #CCK11 http://bit.ly/gzqylD 2011-01-24T11:00:29

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: @torkee join in: http://bit.ly/ghOxzI is the course link and #cck11 is the hashtag 2011-01-24T10:58:14

@debbridge (Deb Bridge) tweeted: @torkee is called connectivism... check out #cck11 @pipcleaves is posting references to it... Puts meaning to what we do 2011-01-24T10:54:36

@zaidlearn (Zaid Ali Alsagoff) tweeted: Just updated ZaidLearn's extra large OER/OCW collection with the awesome Virtual Professors (site) http://tinyurl.com/5hcd5o #CCK11 2011-01-24T10:36:27

@ajh432 (Andrea Hall) tweeted: RT @ianchia @ShellTerrell: George Siemens/Stephen Downes Connectivism & Connective Knowledge open course http://j.mp/fviGZR 2011-01-24T10:26:23

@juandoming (juandoming) tweeted: RT @ShellTerrell: George Siemens/Stephen Downes Connectivism & Connective Knowledge open course http://j.mp/fviGZR #cck11 via @ianchia 2011-01-24T10:14:36

@pammoran (pammoran) tweeted: RT @ShellTerrell: George Siemens/Stephen Downes Connectivism & Connective Knowledge open course http://j.mp/fviGZR #cck11 via @ianchia 2011-01-24T10:12:41

@JaapSoft (Jaap Bosman) tweeted: complex and complicated http://bit.ly/hW9zvR #cck11 2011-01-24T10:06:43

@chiti (chiti) tweeted: RT @ShellTerrell: George Siemens/Stephen Downes Connectivism & Connective Knowledge open course http://j.mp/fviGZR #cck11 via @ianchia 2011-01-24T10:05:02

@ShellTerrell (Shelly S Terrell) tweeted: George Siemens/Stephen Downes Connectivism & Connective Knowledge open course http://j.mp/fviGZR #cck11 via @ianchia 2011-01-24T09:44:06

@debbridge (Deb Bridge) tweeted: @pipcleaves TO ppp on sat!! need help discovering the rss feed information for #cck11 2011-01-24T09:42:44

@ianchia (Ian Chia) tweeted: @thenewtag @teachingwthsoul @AngelaMaiers FYI George Siemens/Stephen Downes: Connectivism & Connective Knowledge course http://j.mp/fviGZR 2011-01-24T09:41:17

@ianchia (Ian Chia) tweeted: @ShellTerrell @ktenkely @gret PLS RT George Siemens/Stephen Downes Connectivism & Connective Knowledge open course http://j.mp/fviGZR #cck11 2011-01-24T09:38:29

@ianchia (Ian Chia) tweeted: @ImaginationSoup FYI RT @sifowler Imperatives of Connectivism: Connected Specialization & 'Bridging' Social Capital: http://wp.me/pssnp-aw 2011-01-24T09:31:18

@pipcleaves (Phillippa Cleaves) tweeted: #cck11 Mooc is out! http://bit.ly/gw7adE ▸ Top stories today by @marisa_c @jennieteacher @ianchia @imagineacircle 2011-01-24T09:04:18

@debbridge (Deb Bridge) tweeted: @pipcleaves am watching the #cck11 live feed... #notsolive.... TY 2011-01-24T08:58:55

@yabolb (Pau Yanez) tweeted: #Connectivism Glossary http://bit.ly/hWJTJy 2011-01-24T08:41:40

@alacre (Alastair Creelman) tweeted: Connectivism - good MindMap by @sahana2802 http://bit.ly/fT8i1z #CCK11 2011-01-24T08:38:13

@debbridge (Deb Bridge) tweeted: Eleven: Could You Please Repeat That? #CCK11: http://t.co/Y7E7wT2 LOVE IT TOO 2011-01-24T08:35:19

@JaapSoft (Jaap Bosman) tweeted: #cck11 http://bit.ly/hftqCo questions on connectivism 2011-01-24T07:57:18

@imagineacircle (Aaron Johannes) tweeted: @sifowler interesting take on yr blog - thanks #CCK11 2011-01-24T06:10:35

@ConectivismoPR (ConectivismoPR) tweeted: Stephen Downes: 'Connectivism' and Connective Knowledge http://t.co/iQvpXRh vía @jaycross 2011-01-24T06:40:02

@sifowler (Simon Fowler) tweeted: Imperatives of Connectivism: Connected Specialization & 'Bridging' Social Capital: http://wp.me/pssnp-aw #CCK11 2011-01-24T05:09:25

@lalithvemali (Lalith Kumar Vemali) tweeted: RT @elearningPosts #CCK11: Connectivism-MindMap http://bit.ly/ihUDIJ 2011-01-24T04:43:37